thees cowboyz is tuff, lik me! so is the bulz!
i decidered i beter git the corneydogs reddy. (uh-mom wood u open this,plez?)

luk how nic i made it. i put a littl sqweerl toy for lacie(she kin bit that if she feels lik bitin.) i tried to mak it nic. i dunno when she will git her. i hope it is gunna b ok. i am nervus. ok, and well ok i guess i wil go wate sum mor. Hi 5's Scooter pee ess i heer sumone at the door-halp!!!!! i f u doan heer from me agin, wel.....sunny sez she wood not let anyfing hapen..paws crossed
Be brave there little khowboy!
Good lukhk!
Ooh be brave sweet boy, I'm sure you are going to be just fine and have a great time, can't wait to hear all about it!
Ben xxxx
Ya know scooter, you are gonna have a good time, and you prolly won't have any scars at all. And I am sure that your Mom and Sonny will watch out for you. Say hi to Lacie for me.
OOOHHHHHH we can't wait to hear all about it!! We are behind again in all of our reading and we just read about Tess and PL2 is alittle leaky..she knows JUST what you are talking about she said...she had one too.......Love and kisses A+A
She will love the corny dogs. Good choice..
Hi, Scooter!
I am sure you are going to have a pawesome time with Lacie!
She will love the corneydogs and the squirrel toy too!
Kisses and hugs
Good luck, Scooter! I'm pawin' for you!
Brown dog kisses,
Pee Ess Your corney dogs look delishus! Lacie can't be anything less than impressed!
Good thinking -- no one can resist corney dogs! Now you just need some mustard ...
omdog you are a great host, I am sure she would love the corndogs. We are a big fan of those here at our house!
Hi, Scooter...
What a great dinner you made for Lacie...
I'm sure she will love it...
Abby xxxooo
You'll be just fine, who can resist your adorable smile, not to mention the corn dogs.
Desert Pups
The corn dogs are a nice touch, Scooter! We think Lacie will love those!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Those corndogs looked rather tasty! Was there someone at the door? The suspense is killing me! I am very behind in commenting since Gizmo left us, BUT, I wanted to come and see you. We read about your heart dog, Tess. I know that was hard to post. Mum says we have alot in common. Just wanted to send you some slobbery Deetz kisses...here they are.....Hope they were not too slobbery
Deetzy Boy and mum
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