Hayguyshayguyshyguys! Oh my dog. I fergot the most xcitering newz! won week from today(my mom told me so) is my BURPDAY! She sez it is on #13 of Septemberer! She sez I will be 11-whatever that meenz. I ben sein on this thing that meenz I will hav a pardy and kake and she will git me pressies. That is rite,isn't it? It iz my hole day,rite? I don't member this happnin befor. But then I don't member last munth. So am I rite guys ? She has to get me kake and pressies??? Oh! I hope i am rite. will u guys tell me if im rite??
Yes you are right, she must get you cake, a whole heap of presents, a card declaring her undying devotion to you AND give you her undivided attention ALL day.
In theory that is..
I find that what they SHOULD do and what they DO do are usually two entirely different things!
i'll be sure to drop by and heap some barkday love on you myself.
Ben xxxx
Oh yes!
Ben is khorrekht!!
I mean, does he look like a fibber pup?
Happy ALMOST Barkday!!!
It sounds like you are really excited about you Birthday. Cake and probably ice cream. mmmm
Hey we went to Westlake this last time. It is through Lake Dallas. Just take Main Steet and it ends at the park. It is usually quite busy on the weekends but we went on Tuesday this week.
Were is the pictures of your photo shoot?
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
OH BOY!! BIRTHDAYS RULE!!!!!!!! You will get cake and cookies and treats and toys and stuffies and games and toys and preasents and all kinds of other stuff...maybe..maybe not quite that much...but you get the idea!!!! Love A+A
w00f's Scooter and Sunny, yesss scooter, mayb even we can go sumplace nice on aire ruby...hmm toys and treats and ice cream and pizza, it all sounds like fun...
b safe,
Hi, Sccoter!
Yes, you are right! You are going to have a party with cake and presents!
I wish I could be there with you and Sunny to celebrate your big day!
Kisses and hugs
Yup, cake, pressies and lots of pets and pats.
Except the cake is not chocolate! I was really bummed, but the pumpkin cake is not bad.
kisses and happy barkday
Cookies and cake and presents oh my!!! Barkdays are the best!!!! We love to help people celebrate barkdays!!!
Hi Friends!
Thanks for add me to your list of friends!:) I am sure that we will understand ours woof-woof and au- au!
Yes Scooter, you are right.Maybe you have cake, pressies and a Barkday´s pawty!
Have a wonderful weekend too!
Love and licks
Wow! You're going to be eleven! We hope you have a wonderful birthday and lots of fun leading up to that day.
Levi's mom
P.S. Yes, we'd love to have you add us to your friend's list and we will do the same with your blog. It's always good making new friends.
Hey Pups,
The meaning of life Σ:o)
You will get stuff, make the most of it on your special Burpday
Have a great burpday, Scooter. My gotcha day is sometime this month. By most accounts I should be 10. Something to be said for us middle agers.
Scooter -
You sure didn't get very big from your puppiness did you? Happy burbday!
Hi there Scooter, Sunny & Jamie! Okay, tell me who is who? Hehe! Nice to meet you guys & welcome to DWB!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
It's going to be the bestest day! you will be the centew of attentiona ll day and get yummie eatables and dwinkables and tons of pwessies
smoochie kisses
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