guys. i hav 2 things to talk abowt. it seems like i mite hav asked a gurl owt. I did not no i did tho. i dunno wat to do. i never ben owt. i am thinkin reel hard here. Can u see how hard i am tryin to think? I have asked Asta wat to do. She noes the gurl and i asked her to luk at my comment to tell me, did i ask this gurl owt. I will wait to see whut she sez.

My 2 thing is I wuz a big game hunter today. mom tuk a picshur of the dinosore I got. she didnt let me keep it. no fair! it wuz a big dinasore!
I am still thinkin
hard. Halp Asta.
And keep thinkin'
Have a nice evening with the mom!
You are doing a great job at thinking there. That is one big dinosore...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
w00f's Scooter and Sunny, heehee watt girlie did u ask out, inquiring doggies wanna no...and dats one big dinasore...
b safe,
Hi Scooter,
That's a cute dinosaur! Are you sure you got the message right? I mean she may have spoken dinosese, which is different from dogmese!
Will speak to Mercury about those clocks...I think she's got a pretty long list now, and it may be some time before we see your clocks:)But we will...that I assure you of. And as I said earlier, I can't do much before November 01, 2008...she's asked me to leave her alone until then:(
Licks n Wags to Sunny, you, and Jamie.
w00f's Sunny and Scooter, hmmm scooter, me went and readed ur comment...and me thinks u just told her u wuz a "hot" doggie, and iffin she wanted to "date" a hot doggie, to check u out...
b safe,
pps has u meeted Poppy the LBC yet...shes a cutie too...
Oh I am in awe of your hunting skills. I never got a dinosore. All I've catched were some Toads. And dad makes me put them back down. No fair
teka toy
Oh yeah, you definitely asked Lacie out, my friend! And as one of the notches on her belt, all I can say is brush your teeth and put on your running shoes because when those teeth start flashing at ya, you're gonna wanna hightail it outta there!
Good luck! (Perhaps you might want to look back on some of my past posts when I was oh-so-briefly "dating" Lacie...)
Your pal,
Fiwst the good news..congwatulations on the mighty huntew thing..that is a pawsome dinosouw you caught..is it going to the natoowal histowy mooseum?
Second, ummmmYou suwe did hint vewy hawd that ou two would have a gweat time togethew..being a good time guy etc....knowing Lacie like I do (and you should fwom hew past behaviow), yep she took it as a wequest fow adate..you bettew think hawd how to take hew somewhewe fun andgive hew a good time!
good luck !!!!
She is bootiful, and fun...just don't twy to sniff hew bottom..that's all I'm saying
smoochie kisses
Congrats, Scooter! You got a great big dinasore!
Love and licks
No way! You caught a dinasour? I have never seen a real dinasour before!
Thanks for adding me to your blog list....I will add you guys too!
Hi, Scooter...
Asta is the right one to go to...She will let you know what to do...She is very smart & always helpful...
If I saw that dinasore, I would run away...You are very brave...
Abby xxxooo
You are one awesome hunter.
Good luck on the girlie hunt.
wholey crapola scooter...that is one big lizzardasourus....i cant believe you are still walking after that great feat...good for you...and good luck with your asking a girl out...and thankyou thankyou thankou for my award...
I don't know anything about asking a girl out, but I hope you don't hurt yourself by thinking so hard!
Scooter, dude, relax you are going to short circuit with all that thinking!! We have those dinosaurs on our porch too but I have never caught one, sorry you didnt get to keep it!
Tra la la la la la...Lacie twirls and spins...giggles, simpers and checks her nails for signs of chipping.
Hi Scooter!!!!!!
Yes, indeedie you asked me on a DATE!!!!! Asta gave you some good advice...um...Petey has only a hazy recollection of our womance...it was rather short.
So Scooter...where are we going? I need to know so I can find a pretty new outfit! Is Sunny comin'? Didn't know if ya needed a chaperone!
Barkin' at ya Scooter!!!
Flirty giggles...Laciegirl!
Wow, you are a tough chihuahua! I hunt mostly flies cause we don't have any dinasaurs in New York. Very impressive. Thanks to you and your family for being so supportive to me and my mom. We really appreciate your friendship.
Hope you have a good date with Lacie, Scooter! And way to go, catchin' yourself a dinorsore!
Dannan and The Girl
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