well. mi mom stil feelz reel bad. i had to leev a note to lacie that i culd not go tonite. mi mom sez she is reel sorry. (acshully, she reeely wanted tu go tu this.) so i askd lacie in my note and am askin hur here if i can tak hur somwer els wen my driver(mom) iz betterer. i am reely sorry lacie. can i take u owt anothr time? i hop so. it wuld stil b a plac we culd find corney dogs.
hugs ,
pee ess u can see how upset i am in this picshur
Don't tell her I said this, but I think you dodged a bullet here little dude.
Oh Joe how could you say that about Miz Lacie! She is a respectable young lady......with a one mean bite!!! Ok maybe you did dodge a bite....or two. Sorry Lacie!!!
Oh my...(sent from Lacie's pink Blackberry)
I'm already on my way...almost to Texas...I'm thinkin' that Sunny and I can nurse your mom, Scooter...I always bring my traveling nurse's kit in case of an emergency. Um...the only problem is my uniform...it's one of the short ones that Agatha wanted me to rehem...didn't quite get to it...I also have my blender and will be making her fortifying smoothies....Now, Sunny, I know you are much more experienced than I am, so I will await instructions as to medications and postitioning of the patient. I had NO idea you are a service doggie too...Oh my....the boyz and I bow to ya...(all three terrier heads dip in respect of Sunny's title)
Now, I know there were some concerns bout me spendin' the night...I would never compromise my profession student status by any kanoodling on the job...
I'll await your instructions, Sunny....
Don't worry, Scooter...we'll have another date, Sweet boy!
Barkin' at ya....
Pee Ess...Mumsie read with compassion ur mom's story of the CABG patient and his fall...wow...that must have been horrible, then her dad and his accident...good thing she had a doggie to get her through those very tough times!
Pee Ess Ess...Joe Stains is gonna feel my wrath when i get to his bloggie!!!
OMD! Just sit back and relax. Miss Lacie is on the way. Muzzer says to watch out for the smoothies. Funny. I don't remember drinkin any smoothies.
We hope mom is feeling better.. You will have another day real soon..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I'm sure Lacie will forgive you. Chihuahua's can't walk very far, so you definitely need to hitch a ride.
You'll find a way to make it up to her.
Hey guys!!
The mom sure did appreciate all your nice comments left on my bloggy! You rock dudes!
Thanks for being such great friends!
We are so glad to be home!!
Hi, Scooter...
I'm sorry your date got postponed...
My Mom has been sooo busy lately that I have lost track of everydoggie's Blogs...
Looks like you & Sunny have been really busy...
My Mom is gonna help me catch up in the morning...
Abby xxxooo
w00f's Kids, me iz sorrwy u didnt git to go on u date..but it will prolly b even better when u does...but watch dat lacie, her iz a wild one...
b safe,
We are hoping that mom is getting better soon. Maybe a movie night at home with the whole family.
Aw Scooter....
Are ya sure ya want ta take Lacie out???? If so ya better get a bullet proof vest and a body cast ready 'n waitin'....she's been known ta snap at ya real quick so ya better practice yer reflexes fer sure.....poor Scooter.....yer in fer it.....
Dewey Dewster here....
We just read about Tess - please give your mom a big hug for us, OK?
Tail wags,
Hope your Mom is feeling better. She sounds like a pawsome lady. If she needs any help figuring out how to hyper-link or posting the picture she can ebark us. We know stuff like that. Now the fancy stuff, were lost.
Essex & Deacon
Scooter, if Lacie is not available, we will send Roxie ... and she is already in Texas!
Sammy & Andy
This Lacie is one wild and khrazy girrrrl -
Maybe she's just more girrrrrl that woo boyz khan pawdle!
I hope your mom is feeling better now.
Don´t worry, Scooter. Lacie understands you. You will have a new date very soon!
Love and licks
Hi, Scooter!
Lacie is coming!!!!
I hope your mom feels better soon!
Kisses and hugs
Lacie is fiesty but she's still understanding and sweet! We're sure she'll understand!
We hope your mom feels better soon!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
aaawww poor you! You look soooo sad! We hope it isn't postponed too long.
love, licks and tailwags,
Ben xxxx
Oh Scooter, I'm sure Lacie understand pawfectly. Don't be too upset...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Oh Scooter, what as shame you had to postpone your date! I feel for you.
Maybe this will cheer you up? There's an award on my site for you!
Love George
hello scooter its dennis the vizsla dog hay i hope this isnt ennything to do with that awful ike persun i hav herd nuthing but bad things abowt that karakter ok bye
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