Yep we are. Eight of our friends have left us awards. We didn't expect that, but we are very grateful! Now some of these have rules, and copying and pasting rules is apparently beyond mom's scope of practice at this time! (haha-little joke for my nurse friends). Soooo-nobody get upset over the rule thingy,k? Also, Mom was so smug, she thought she had links down. Uh-the last several have been the bridge to nowhere. All the doggies mentioned are in my friends list though! I guess that takes care of the disclaimers.
Before we left, Rusty had given us his "best bud" award.! Thanks Rusty! While we were gone, Mango the Maltese gave it to us too! Thanks Mango!!
Before we left, The Key West Collies gave us the "I Love Your Blog " award. We appreciate it alot, Essex,Deacon and their Dad!! Then Abby gave it to us! Thanks Abby!
Also, before we left, Georgeous George gave us the Golden Paw award.(Which doesn't sparkle for us, but we don't care!) Thank you, George!! Then while we were gone, those crazy heelers gave it to us!! Thanks, y'all!!
Our Chihuahua bud gave us the "awesome blogger friend" Rambo, thank you bunches!!! Chi power!(Scooter threw that in ;)
And Chef, our Boxer bud, gave us the "You lift my spirit" award. Yo Chef, you lift ours too. Thanks!!
So we are pretty speechless. Have to pass these on and we will tonite or tomorrow. Mom is catching up on a couple of fronts.
We were given a gift of a drawing which we are very touched by. We are going to put it on our sidebar for all to see. It was done by Snowy and Crystal's Mom, Ms Kat. We cannot thank her enough. Very Kind of you Ms Kat!! And we think it is wonderful.
Thank you everyone. I've been knowing most of you a long time before you knew I was here, back when I read about you all(and was too chicken to try it myself) I loved you guys back then, I love you more now. What a community.
Hugs& Hi 5s
Sunny, Scooter & Jamie (apparently not QUITE speechless ;)
Hi guys. This title with no post is what muzzer does all the time....she's glad to have identified another reason we like you guys.
bah! Blogger just ate our comment!.. so again, congratulations on all of your awards, you deserve them all,
Ben xxxx
My mom is nodding in agreement - it took her some time to work up HER khourage to blog -
In fakht, we realized this week that LAST Saturday was our one year bloggin'versary!
And look at us now!
What a beautiful drawing by Ms.Kat!
Congratulations on all of your awards! You deserve them all!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Congratulations on your awards!
You deserve them.
I like a lot your drawing!
Kisses and hugs
You guys deserve those awards because you rock.
Congrats Sunny & Scooter on all of your well deserved awards!
Chi's rule, right Scooter?
Congratulations on the many awards!
Tra la la la la la...hi Scooter...I see YOU'RE BACK!!!!!!
Hope ur trippie went well and ur mom is feelin' much better!!
Er...Hi SUNNY!! WOW...those worry wrinkles seem to have smoothie-d out in ur brow...Hey...have you ever thought of dating Baxter???
Just an idea...
Love and kissies...Laciegirlie
Pee esss...you totally deserve alllll of those awards...you guys are the BESTEST!
What a lovely drawing of Sunny and what a spectacular array of awards.....ya sure are loved....yes siree....yer Mom will figger out the blog stuff fast enough...it just takes a bit of patience and determination.
Dewey Dewster here.....
Wow! that is a lot of awards! You deserve them all! The You Lift My spirits is especially pretty I think!
hello texas sun dogs its dennis the vizsla dog hay thank yoo for offring to let me tayk an award i think i wil tayk the golden paw to commemrayt owr viktry ovr the ninja hedjhogs ha ha ok bye
Hello there
If it is okay, I would like to have the butterfly one, in memory of Gizmo to have on my sidebar along with his candle made by Happy.
Thanks, that was so cool to just come and get an award....
Paw Hugs
Thanks for thinking of me and letting me come get an award! I think I will take the gold paw award.....since that one is new to me, and then I can remember it came from only you!
HOpe you guys are having a good week!
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