ok, well,ok. i decidereded to do thees awrds diffrent. I wan eech dog to chooz wich won they want. hu? let dogs choos wich one thy want. Cool, hu? ok and wel ok. so i wil leeve a note to a frien an thay git to cum an chooz wich won thay lik! nver ben don, hu. ok wel an ok. thay can jus tll me th won thay lik an tak it! i m whut is cald a inno, uh inov..uh i think of new things to do. (This is mi harnes an sez bad to th bone... hahahaha-thas me)
ok an wel ok anok. I haf not effen ben to see mi frens yet cept 2. th leter punchr-mom-iz doin all uther kinda things to. hmmph.
she iz alredy all scooter i am tired. git with it leter punchr. besides thes wards, ther ar other things....hmmmph. i told her i wuzn tired an she sed blah drivin blah sum uthr stuf. scuses. well k an okwelok. gotta leeve sum notes so dogs can cum an choos.(MOM-u r gonna get all the notes typereded in tunite,rite??? MOM, MOM!!! she says maybe. she says if not tonite tumorow.) gud greef.
Hi 5s
pee ess just pick whut u want from below!-don't forget to comment and let me know which one you liked!
That is a great idea Scooter. What is it with the humans and being tired. They try to use that as an excuse for everything.
I know my mom got so tired reading your post, I had to read it to her!
Hi, Scooter...
What a great idea...It's always sooo hard to decide who to pass Awards too...I always want to pass them on to everyone...
Congrats on all of them...You guys deserve them all...
Stop by my Blog when you get a minute to find out about Autobiography Week...
Abby xxxooo
Hi, Scooter!
I like your idea.
Like Abby I always want to give them to everyone!
Kisses and hugs Bad to the Bone friend!
Kisses and hugs
Scooter that is a great idea. You may soon be recognized as a wise elder at DWB.
Why Scooter...
It sure was hard readin' yer ramblin' there...but since ya left a note on our blog ta come pick out an award.....I pretty much had it figgered out before I got here and tried ta read yer words.....if I'm not bein' too curious here...was that English ya were spoutin' there ????? Maybe a new language called "Pig English" perhaps...do ya teach it ta others?
Aw well, which brings us ta the task at hand.....eenie, meenie, miney, mo......I pick the golden paw award.....'n send ya thanks a bunch fer thinkin' of us here in the Burgh.....hope yer Mom gets rested up......what a innovative idea Scooter !!!!!
Dewey Dewster here....
Tanner said he wants BEST TWIN EVER AWARD. I dunno, I didn't see that one anywhere...
Passin' awards is always hard for us too! Great plan, Scooter!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You guys totally deserve all the awards! Congratulations!!
And Scooter, thanks for the message that you wanted me to come pick an award. The Girl says we should take the You Lift My Spirit award, cuz that's what you guys do for us! I agree!
We'll get it up on our blog tomorrow. Thanks, Scooter (and Sunny and Jamie!), we love you!
Brown Dog Kisses,
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