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Thursday, May 13, 2010

PSA-Important ID Tags

With spring comes thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricane season.  These tags were inspired by the troubles after Hurricane Katrina.  The Red Cross and Dogster went in together and came up with these tags.  Since chips require a reader and not all readers are standardized yet, this tag is a deal in my opinion.
Not only can you put your phone number on them, Dog's name, etc, there is a website where you can look up the tag's link and  find picture of the dog, vet's name, phone number, all kinds of things about the dog.
To me, this is a way that whether you are traveling, or at home and somehow you were to lose your dog, anyone can look up all the dog's info, see a picture of the dog, and lists other numbers to call in and out of state.  For instance, I chose to put my phone number and each of their names on their tags.  Their link also has my daughter's phone, my sister's phone in CA,  you get the idea.
When I got them they were 24.95 each.  Worth the money in case I were to have something unexpected happen.
I took off the picture of the other side of the tag when I realized that if biggified, the link showed and there is way too much info to just put out in these ethers on there!

 You can find them on Dogster and gives lots of info.
Just a good idea if you ask me! 


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

What a grrreat PSA this is. I have a chip.. And I wear tags. Butt this is super. Thanks for the info...

houndstooth said...

I remember reading about those when they first came out! They sound like a great idea!

Gus said...

thank you...we will have to check them out for our coming adventure.

Teka Toy

Dewey Dewster said...

Geez sounds like a good idea....but Toby 'n me have microchips which should find Gram 'n Pap if we ever get lost...that 'n our ID tags or license tags....why we have so many tags we need a purse ta carry 'em in.....

Dewey Dewster here....

Martha said...

That sounds like a very useful idea - we are chipped and tagged but we don't have all that useful info to hand.
Thanks for letting us know about these tags.
Martha and Bailey xx

Dandy Duke said...

They sound like very worthwhile tags! We're checking out the link. Thank you, Jamie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Those look really cool. Do you remember how long it took to get them? We are going to Wisconsin Memorial Day weekend, road trip with the pups. They have chips in them but this might be another good thing.. I was consider getting a tag that lets anyone that would find the Red's that they are deaf.. I will have to take a gander at there webpage.. Hope all is well....

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Agatha and Archie said...

YOO HOO here we are...Late as ever and as usual..blame PL2 she is just behind ON EVERYTHING.....We shudder to even think of what we would do in a tornado..... Happy belated Nurses week!!!!! and we can not even respond to the snake in the bathroom as PL2 has fainted..Love A+A

the many Bs said...

those are great tags. our mom is so paranoid about us having adequate ID. she has us chipped and tagged. thank goodness she hasn't gone crazy and gotten tattoos for us (yet!).


Raising Addie said...

These are a great idea! We are all microchiped but like you said, you need one of those wand things for it to work. Looks like we are going to be getting these.

Thank you!

Lots of luv & kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey