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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

End of an Era for Atlantis (Forget it Scooter-the answer is NO)

This morning I watched the space shuttle Atlantis make it's final touchdown at 7:48 am CST (or 0748 military time ;)  I had to swallow a lump in my throat as I watched this magnificent machine that has gone on 32 missions and traveled 120 million miles over the past 25 years. 120  MILLION  miles! It was a perfect touchdown.  There are only 2 more shuttle missions scheduled .  The Discovery and the Endeavor will make their final flights in September and November.
I love all things that fly and the space program is incredible.  I was fortuate enough to be alive and watch transmissions when man first walked on the moon.  Fortunate enough to be living in the Orlando area and see liftoffs in the early days in person.  It takes your breath away watching, hearing,feeling the experience.  It hit all your senses  at once and made your heart swell with pride, excitement and pure wonder. PURE WONDER. To think MAN, and proudly, American man did that, is beyond words.  Man I wish I could have been an astronaut.

"On its path to Kennedy Space Center, Atlantis crossed the Florida Everglades and headed north, passing over Lake Okeechobee where it triggered dual sonic booms (I LOVE them) as it slowed to subsonic speeds. Commander Ken Ham aligned Atlantis with Kennedy's southeast to northwest runway 33, where the ship touched down.

Aboard Atlantis with Ham were five astronauts -- pilot Dominic "Tony" Antonelli and mission specialists Garrett Reisman, Piers Sellers, Stephen Bowen and Michael Good. " 

Atlantis, you did us proud.  You are a grand flying machine that would have boggled the minds of the Wright brothers.  You boggled mine too.  It saddens me that our space program is being shut down.  I know we have to tighten our collective belts.  I just wish we had gathered up the pork in Washington DC and given it to the space program. WE, the collective we of the USA, have been AMAZING.  Congratulations to NASA, to the Astronauts, to mission control.

Those that love flight and the miracle of it will understand my feelings.  (And NO Scooter, you can't "goeses tu gitses it sins thay duz noteses wanna userest it eneemor." ) Take off your flight glasses and come eat breakfast.  GEEEZ

Well Done Atlantis.


Gus said...

I think Scooter would make a great astronaut. If Monkeys can fly in space, why not Scooterers!

Teka Toy

Martha said...

We agree with Gus! Even though we don't know him - Scooter you were born to be an astranaut!
Martha and Bailey xx

The Army of Four said...

Woo. Scooter you can do anything you set your mind to do!
What a loss. We can't believe the space shuttle program has been kicked to the curb.
PS: Ha woo to Sunny!
PPS: Hugs to your mom!!!

Dexter said...

Momma always cries a little when she sees those space things because she says it is just so wonderful that it fills her heart up. Humans are weird.


kissa-bull said...

well shince our mommish ish from houston shee has gone to visit NASA shince shee was a WEE. and it has always marveled her brain things wiff those space ships.
we fink that a vote should be had ash to wether scooter can have the spaceship . we have a feeling he would get the vote of yes!!!!

pibble sugars to all
the pittie pack

Remington said...

What an amazing thing....and Scooter you can do anything you set your mind to -- I am certain.

JacksDad said...

What a wonderful commentary! You can just feel the excitement as you were writing!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Cool shades Scooter. You certainly planed for the moment...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Thanks Sunny you are one handsome dude too..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Asta said...

Ummm, Mommi was painting so hawd , she missed the whole thing..dayummmmm
Scootew my dawling boy, you would be the bestest aswonut evew. I'm sowwy you missed youw chance wif the shuttle.
We hate the heat, cause we don't like aiw conditioning..we like open windows and pleasant bweezes and 60-70 degwees..oh well. i guess we'we stuck wif summew fow a while. and noooo, I do not weaw boots in the summew, sheeeesh
smoochie kisses

Dandy Duke said...

Our mom has always loved the space program, especially the lift-offs, but she has only seen it on TV! We can't imagine how awesome it must be to see it in person!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Sunny we are so sorry we called you a dude.. Please forgive us..
Yepper we are off soon but we thought we would keep in on the down low.
We do have someone staying at the house. Dad is a bit paranoid. Dre will keep he eye on things and the kitties and of course the sugar gliders..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

John Glenn was born, raised, educated, and still lives about 30 miles from my house.
My mom was a pup when he went up in space.
Neil Armstrong is also from Ohio.
Sooooo Scooter... I'm with you on your thoughts for today.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We are behind Teka Toy 100%!

Khyra & Khousin Merdie

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello scooter its dennis the vizsla dog hay if yoo do steel the spayse shuttel maybe yoo can fly it up to the moon and pik us up!!! ha ha ok bye

bbes tribe said...

Woofs to you! We were visiting Moose and thought we'd drop by & visit you. We enjoyed our visit & we like meeting new pups & their hoomans. If you get a chance, please visit us.

Joe Stains said...

Scooter, seriously dude, you and Tanner should TOTALLY go on a mission to mars. soon.

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

I can remember the moon landings (just!) we got up really early one morning and watched it all on a black and white tv. I still have the diary with the entry "man walked on the moon today". Written in childish handwriting with amazement at what had been achieved.

I read somewhere that the equipment and technology they had on those first trips were only possibly a very small fraction of what a normal mobile phone (cell phone?) has nowadays.

When you think of this fact, it is even more amazing.

lotsaluv Jeannie xxxxxx

Who is feeling very guilty today, I have emailed you, I also emailed you on 27 May, explaining why I had been so behind in replying etc

Hands Across The Ocean....Paws Across The Sea - Forever Friends

J x