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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Plan B

Jamie here. Ok-weaning-fail. Extubation-pulling the breathing tube-fail.(not surprising to me at all.) Sooo Mom had a tracheotomy put in yesterday. Yes-she is still on the vent that breathes for her. But, this is a good chance for strengthening and getting off that you can't do with the mouth tube. (3 docs concur) I have seen it too. You can do alot of physical therapy and better trials with a trach. Just sitting up will help. This is now going to be up to her to work to get stronger. Since it was just done yesterday at 5 pm CST, they will let her rest and recuperate from the tube being pulled and the trach being done.
I believe every experience is supoosed to teach a lesson. I think I have figured out 2 from all this, but I may not know until I leave this earth what it all is.
I am more hopeful now. Also, the human body can only stay in a "oh sh*t" state for a limited time. It is amazing what your normal becomes whether you like it or not. AND, as some rehab time goes on, if Mom does not want it, she can let us know.
So, I do not plan to blog much more about this so much as I have been. And Sunny & Scooter would like a turn. Again, thank you for all your support. Again I find words inadequate for the amount of support. God Bless all of you.
We'll try to blog soon. At the moment, I am , as Scooter would say, exahaustamated.
Hugs to all of you,
Jamie & the kids


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Tank woo fur the update!

Mom and I had been wondering!

But hoped it was a 'no news is good news' situation...

I'm sure your knowledge of this is a help BUT a hindrance at times!

Paws khrossed she khontinues to improve slowly and steadily!

Yes, things like 'this' do teach us BUT the stress the stress the stress!

Khyra and Phyll

Abby said...

Hi, Jamie...

Thanks for the update...

You are so right that this sort of thing teaches us all sorts of lessons...

You are continually in our thoughts & prayers...

Abby & her Mom xxxooo

Anonymous said...

You're in our thoughts and prayers. Please let us know how it goes.
God bless you!!!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Hope you're fully recuperamated soon.

Gus said...

Good to hear an update, even though it is "mixed" news. Life is all about lessons, but we need the wisdom to see them.

Muzzer says she will keep prayin', so we will too.


Rambo said...

Hang in there!
Rambo, MM and G

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

hey, concentrate on the real, forget the blogs,

your Ma needs you, we can forgive you if you don't blog!

Just take care of yourself and get your Ma up to speed.

We love you guys, and our hearts and souls are with you.

there is lots of snow on the hills here in Scotland tonight, and every bit of snow I can tell you is rooting for your Ma to recover and be well.

Trust me, trust Marvin,

love and light,
Jeannie and Marvin xxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Jamie you don’t know me, and this is the first time I have found this blog. But the story of your Mum captured me, because it is so very familiar. I know as a nurse you have seen miracles, but I want to share some extra hope with you.

4 ½ years ago Mum, who had already had a bad MI in the past, had an undetected UTI – she’s diabetic with serious renal issues. It caused a complete respiratory, renal and cardiac failure; not good at 80 with her history.

In the first 48 hours they talked to us about maybe having to decide to run her life support off, things were so bad. But she kept going.

After 5 days they tried to de-vent, but she was unresponsive and they had to re-intubate, which was awful. She had a temp pacemaker by this stage. They let her rest a couple more days and tried again.

She coped fine 2nd time round; her body had just needed more healing time. They said things had been so bad she’d need 2 or 3 months of rehab in a rest home before she came back to us – we’d been living with her as her caregivers since the fist MI. She was home with us in less than 3 weeks.

In June Mum will be 85 years old and still lives at home with us. We have extra help come in as we both work, but even so, on a good day she empties the dishwasher, fold washing, does the crosswords, rings her friends for a chat...

Know this Jamie – the end result is caused by more than just medical skill; it is determination and inner strength and prayer and love. You are doing all you can, and whatever happens, you have been a positive influence on the process.

Anonymous said...

OMG I have no idea how that happened! Can you delete the extras for me. I'm sorry about that...

Dandy Duke said...

You and your mom are constantly in our thoughts and prayers, Jamie! Take good care of yourself too, okay?

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Eric said...

Still keeping all crossed for you.Please make sure you take good care of yourself for your Mom.

Love Eric xx

Thor and Jack said...

We´re keeping you and your mom in our thoughts and prayers.

Thor and mom


We can appreciate what you are going through. Blogging helps clear the mind some on these issues.

We look forward to Sunny & Scooter returning.

Dog Speed and positive Collie vibes,

Essex & Deacon

Lacy said...

w00f's Scooter, Sunny and Jamie, u iz always in our thoughts and prayers....sure hope ur mama gets better soon..

b safe,

Lorenza said...

We understand your are exahaustamated!
Please take care.
Paws crossed for your mom.
Kisses and hugs

Mack said...

You are a strong and wonderful lady and our whole family is rooting for your sweet momma to come home real soon!!

Lots of Macky sugars,
Mack, Paris, Lily and momma Amy

Eduardo said...

We is still praying & snuggling!(mommy is snuggling as well!) Please try to get some rest it's not healthy for you to be exahaustamated! We loves y'all!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... that Scooter!!!

Mumsie sez she hopes they get calories into your Grandma...I could help with high calorie Smoothies may be just the thing. Axel's mom put on 5 lbs with them...

We're sendin' our healing barks and prayers!!!

Love you all...

Scruffy, Lacie and Stan

Anonymous said...

Absolutely love your site. Would love for you to register and be a part our community.
- Where Passions become Profitable

Poopsie aka Blue said...

Sending you and your brave mom my best wishes.


Princess Patches said...

Our paws are still crossed! We sure hope Plan B will work!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Clover said...

Hi Jamie,
Glad to hear that you are hopeful for Plan B. We will be hoping for the best too, and continue to pray.
Sending many many puggy hugs and kisses.
Love Clover xo and Mom

Toffee said...

I am so sorry that your mom is not well. We have been away from the blogging community and just heard.

kind regards,

Agatha and Archie said...

WE will keep our paws crossed an dhope that your Mom has lots of courage and strength, and she has you behind her so that will be the biggest help of all..Love and kisses A+A

Joe Stains said...

Tanner definitely misses his twinner but we are always here to read and offer support.

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Petra said...

Thanks for keeping us updated and for being able to walk through this experience with you. I love the picture of your mom Anna!

Petra said...

Thanks for keeping us updated and for being able to walk through this experience with you. I love the picture of your mom Anna!

Raising Addie said...

You and your family continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.

Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Staci

Moco said...

We will continue to keep you and your mom in circle of healing vibes.

Pedro said...


Always thinking about you and your mom and hoping for the best. Your mom is such a beautiful lady and you are obviously a wonderful daughter.

Rachel & Pedro

Anonymous said...

Came by to check on you. You are in our thoughts and prayers!



i said...

Keeping your mom in our thoughts and prayers. Take good care now!

The Furry Kids said...

We are sending hugs and purrs and purrayers for all of you.

Lady Kaos said...

I hope this works for her. I've been thinking about you a lot lately. Our thoughts and prayers are with you!!
Hilary & Kaos

Amber-Mae said...

Eventhough we've been busy this past week, we're still thinking about you & all our other friends!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Stuffed from eating a BIG feast,
Solid Gold Dancer

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Still hoping and praying for a good recovery.

The OP Pack

Dewey Dewster said...

Gee Jamie...
We haven't been by lately and are sorry ta hear about yer Mom....after readin' back on some of the posts it seems like this emergency has been happenin' fer quite awhile...ya all must be exhausted....we'd like ta add our terrier ZEN ta the rest of what's comin' yer way......hopefully it will help yer Mom get better....

Dewey Dewster here....

Lady Kaos said...

Hey you guys, just wanted to let you know thta Mom and I are sending you lots of hugs and good vibes still. Hope you're doing okay.
Kaos & Hilary