Mom is doing ok at catching up on cleaning, but needs to step it up a bit! Poor mom, she tries, bless her heart,but she is your basic slob. Any of you that have seen the "Odd Couple", think Oscar(the slob of the 2).
So that is pretty much it for today-mom and gramma are going to see my beansister and her family for awhile later. Scooter and I will hang out here.
Y'all may be waiting awhile on pics from that fancy camera!!! Mom is sorta scared of it til she reads all about it. She doesn't want to break it or something!
Have a great Sunday!
Sunny&Scooter&Jamie(not really scared of the camera, just cautious! :)
Great Job!
Keep up the good work!!
w00f's Scooter and Sunny, dats a mighty fine lookin camera ur mama gots...me likes sleepy sundays too..
b safe,
Hi, friends!
I am having a lazy sunday too!
Kisses and hugs
Point and shoot...point and shoot! The camera that is! Can't wait to see your pics!! Just start in the automatic mode for now (the button with the green rectangle on the dial or do the button with the "P").
Have fun!
Can't blame you for wanting to figure the camera out a bit before going all picture-crazy!
I really like your bed inside your condo, Sunny!
Brown dog kisses,
wow....Teka suggests that you start with aim and shoot. However, she says you shouldn't close your eyes when you push the button, as she thinks that is what is wrong with the pixures muzzer makes
You look very comfy in your bed Sunny.
Pinky loved the Odd Couple.
Monday Blues for me today...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Pee/s: Check out mah new post!
Thanks for leaving a comment on my
Sunday Sermons blog! I would be honored if you and your woofie friends add me to your blogroll list! I love woofies, and you certainly are cute woofies!
Beau (the Southern Gentleman cat)
This is the best way to spend a Sunday afternoon, Sunny!
I can't wait to see the pictures your mom is going be posting of you guys!!!
Ahem. Sunny? I know your mom is busy, but please check my Sunday post. Thank roo.
Play bows,
Better safe than sorry, right? Tanner is posting about certain events he doesn't want to get busted for today on Tanner tuesday. He also tagged Scooter to tell some secrets yesterday.
Oh, poor Scooter. We hope he feels better soon. And that the road trip doesn't get postponed again.
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