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Friday, May 7, 2010

Snake in the Bathroom part 2

I did not make myself clear last night.  I NEVER leave a snake in the house once I sight it.  Sunny, who has to follow me everywhere got to the door and gave a low growl, i grabbed her, put her out and shut the door. Just me and the snake now in the bathroom. (There are very few "snake dogs" I have ever met.  My grandparents had a cocker on their ranch that was a natural born snake dog.  She would grab one just behind the head and shake it silly.  Didn't matter if it was a rattler coiled or one flat out.  She would take us to it if close, or bring it if far.  Poisonous snakes can still poison when dead as the venom remains in the fangs)
Sooooo, I remained still while I looked for how to get rid of it.  Don't laugh, but it was death by toilet plunger.(Hey I was in the bath room....not alot of tools!)  Smacked the rubber plunger to cover head, got wash cloth to grab it right behind said head, picked it up and dropped it in toilet.  Well, flushing was not working  because it was not dead.  Sooooo, I took said rubber plunger and eventually managed to send it to the snakepit in the sky, then flushed.
What bothers me is where are it's bros and sis's??????  In talking to the county extension agency, they seemed to think after I described house, location, etc, they might have gotten in through wall.  Folks at the local feed store agreed.  This is an old house and many things were never up to code. (oh yeah, like the elec. wiring.....)
I know snakes are everywhere-(my son was found playing with pigmy rattlers on Mt Tam in Mill Valley, CA when he was 4...)
And I am usually ready outside, especially when living in the boonies.  But honestly, this dang duplex is right on the expressway and it surprises me to see one inside.
I have put a picture up that if you bigify you will see a LARGE cotton mouth.(Over in the Piney woods of E. TX)  He was too close to the house to shoot. See him????  Guess he wanted to come in, and when I went ouside to follow him to shoot him, he just stayed right at the house. When we lived over in East Texas-which might as well be Louisiana, we had those too.  And I have killed small ones of those in the house(they have a very distinct smell, by the way).  I just never want to step on one or I will be scraped off the ceiling !  I can also tell you horses abhor all snakes and you better pay attention or when they spook at them you will end up on the ground! (and may anyway-lol)

This next, well, didn't shoot them.  Just included it for fun.  That's on the Red River.  Caddo Indian country over in the piney woods.
There ya go. I assure you I am kind hearted and will go out of my way to carry out a cricket, grasshopper, etc.  We have these weird looking lizards that look clear nearly.  Kinda ugly and they get in here alot.  I can't catch them, but I leave them alone. They startle me at times, but, 
 hey, eat some bugs or something I guess.   Snakes, mice that spread disease, sorry.  Outa here and Zero tolerance 
NOW.  Wasn't that lots of fun?  Better than "Snakes on a Plane" the movie, which I heard was awful... ;}  lol
Fingers crossed for that dude being an only snake child...........
Happy Dreams!


Dexter said...

That continues to be a scary saga. Snakes! They should stay outside. Nothing good can come of entering for anybody.


P.S. You are very brave.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Annie Oakley?

Snake Charmin' Jamie!

Maybe Scooter needed to talk to it - that would have driven it away!

Seriously, stay safe with your kind being the bad kind of snake...


houndstooth said...

Okay, you're skeeving me out here!

Noah the Airedale said...

'you look'n at me'....I've got a plunger mate!
Crikey, D would have run away hehe.

Thanks for the tip on Texas. We'll have to get there on our next trip to the States. Three weeks just isnt long enough.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Noah the Airedale said...

'you look'n at me'....I've got a plunger mate!
Crikey, D would have run away hehe.

Thanks for the tip on Texas. We'll have to get there on our next trip to the States. Three weeks just isnt long enough.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Gus said...

Sigh...and to think we have never lived in Tejas with all the fun it involves.

Teka brings us small dead ones that are non-poisonous (so our neigbor, the native Mayemphian says) but we haven't seen signs of any toxic snakes, though we understand they are around.

Kisses and Kudos


Gus said...
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Dandy Duke said...

OMG, mom would have DIED to be in the same room of her house with a snake! She would have screamed so loud that the neighbors would think there was a murder going on!
You handled it VERY well, Jamie!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Good job getting rid of that snake!
I am still scared thinking about the episode!
Kisses and hugs

Martha said...

Oh goodness, we have to tell you we rely on human help to read the blogs and ours has just fainted!
Not sure what to do now!
Happy Mother's Day
Martha and Bailey xxx


Death by plunger. What a way to go.

We were thinking about the brudder and sista coppers too.

Essex & Deacon