Here is a part of the Presidential Proclamation:
“On this day, let us give thanks for the many blessings God has bestowed upon our Nation. Let us rejoice for the blessing of freedom both to believe and to live our beliefs, and for the many other freedoms and opportunities that bring us together as one Nation. Let us ask for wisdom, compassion, and discernment of justice as we address the great challenges of our time.”
AAANNDDDD it is also Nurses Day!
"Nurses Day is on May 6 and it is the start of what we call Nurses Week, which starts on May 6 every year and ends on May 12. There is reason why the May 12 date has been chosen. It is the date Florence Nightingale has been born.
This event is a very important one for the health care system, as it celebrates the ones that help people suffering all over the country. The idea of having a week-long celebration is to allow all nurses to enjoy it, considering their very different schedules. A lot of events celebrating them are being held, ranging from dinners to various conferences and seminars.
The history of the celebration starts in 1953. Dorothy Sutherland, at the United States Department of Health suggested that a Nurses Day be held in October the following year, which happened in 1954, when a whole week was dedicated to nurses. The idea was to celebrate Florence Nightingale going to Crimeea 100 years before.
In 1974 a National Nurses Week was proclaimed by president Richard Nixon and since 1982, May 6th is the National Recognition Day for Nurses, that was turned into a whole week of celebration in 1990."
On a personal note, I have been given a coffee mug with the hospital;s name on it, a pen with the hospital's name on it, writing pad-you guessed it-with the hospital's name on it as a Nurse's Day gift. lol. I once got excited as I thought our hospital was giving us a T-Shirt with the ANA's Nurse's Day logo on it. uh, they were selling it to us :( $12.00. If we could get to the room with the festivities,(day shift-night shift was out of luck), there was cake and hard candy. Seemed as though the hospital admin was permanently parked there to grab any media that might happen by. And more and more hospital's are turning our day/week into hospital appreciation week. I think there are many other disciplines besides nursing that should be recognized, but geez guys, don't take our day away!
Ah well, the reason I love nursing is not for a t-shirt anyway. Hands on was the rewarding-and many times, heartbreaking-part. Before my first injury, I was all set to embark on Flight nursing. You know, the helicopters? Life took another way.
I miss patient care, but will have to be satisfied with teaching or a desk job. Have thought of trying on school nursing so I could have summers off ;) When all dental procedures are finished, will begin the process of finding out where in the area I can find an actual position.
If all else fails, I can still groom dogs! ;)
Sunny here. Dog Blog, Mom. You are making everyone yawn with your nursing tales and plans. Speaking of grooming....how about you get in some practice????
Hugs Sunny
We love your momma's informative post!
Happy Nurses Day (my auntie is an RN) and we honestly forgot that today was the national day of prayer. I think my momma needs some time-out in her crate!
We didn't know that it was a National day of prayer but we have said many prayers today for lots of friends. We pray every day!
Happy nurses day too!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Ok y'all...let's pray for nurses. Because they deserve it, and maybe even sometimes need it..
I hope your groomer khan fit woo in soon!
Happy Nurses Day!
They are awesome!
Grooming?? Hmmm....
Kisses and hugs
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