Mom made it to the store! So we won't starve after all. Thanks for the offers of sharing your foodables!! (hmmm-mom got a picture of the moon falling out of the sky.....:)
Mom said our human cousin-our sis's daughter-is coming to spend the weekend with us!!(Mom thought about this and says it is our niece she thinks. Is that right?) We LOVE, LOVE her and haven't seen her for the longest time. I think over a month. So Mom says since we will be playing with our little girl, we probably will take this weekend away from the puter and relax and have FUN!!! Mom is going to try to start using her new camera more. So maybe she'll actually learn how to use it!!
Mom also said we have a meme to do from our kitty friends the Meezers and we'll do that after the weeknd.
Deetzy's Mom is having surgery today, so keep your paws crossed for her. We know she will be getting better the soonest!
Y'all have a great weekend!
pee ess
hay eferbudy!!! itz me. scooter. ok anok. i madeded it bak home wifowt anywon findin owt i wuz gone. i fink so anyway. sunny sez that iz the lastest time she wil cover up fur me. she sez she bowt had hart attax an mom trustes hur so she can not do that agin. well. ok anok sunny. hmmpphh. i jus had a liddol fun iz all. jeez. sunny sez i haf to ask mom purmisshun to go sumware in the fuchur. ok anok sunny. u doan haf tu keep on an on bowt it!!
ok anok. thaz all. i am happy owr liddol gurl iz cumin to spend the weekend wif us!! she gives us all kindz of cool treetz!! hope y'all get cool treetz too! bye
hi 5s
I wouldn't want woo to waste away!!
Paws khrossed for Deetzy Boy's mom!!!
Enjoy your khompany!!!!
All right family coming over is always lots of fun! I'm in intense snuggle mode for Deetzy's Mom!(Plus it's raining so Mommy is helping because rain makes her sleepy too!)Scooter you are so silly! I just love how you spell!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Oh, you sure that's not a ghost in a form of a light? Just kidding! Yeah. we're thinking about poor Deet's Mom. I think she will be fine.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Glad you got food. Girls are fun. Have a good weekend. Oh and scooter I never get to see that dinosore up close. they put me in my kennel when my boy brings it out of it's tank.
Cool! Have lots of fun! My human cousins will be here soon, too! I can't wait for the treats!
w00f's Scooter and Sunny, heehee scooter good thing u got sunny to help take care of u...wow, u got kids coming, how cool iz that...they drop all kinds of good stuff..
b safe,
You all have a wonderful weekend with the little people.. Remember to keep them safe..
We will be looking for you later in the week..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Thank goodness you dogs won't starve! Maybe you can get some extra treats from your house guests. Have fun.
We love having visitors too. Hope you have a great weekend.
We're keeping our paws crossed for Deetz' mum.
Thanks for the birthday wishes.
Noah x
Hi, friends!
I hope everything went well with Deet'z mom!
Enjoy your weekend
Kisses and hugs
This is going to be a fun weekend for you. Those hooman pups are always dropping treats on the floor. We can get to them before anyone even knows they hit the floor.
Have a great time with your cousin! We hope you get LOTS of treats!
Our paws are crossed that Deetz's mom is doing okay!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi friends,
I am sorry I have not been by for a long time. I am having a hard time getting my mom to help me visit my friends. We are trying GoogleReader now so we will see what happens!!
I hope your grandma is doing ok now. Sending extra hugs and kisses for her.
Love Clover xo
Glad you got food and treats....very important to have both!
Hey sweet Sunny!!!!
So glad Scooter scooted home before he got found out!!! Gussie almost blabbed to Mumsie, but she was startin' to get a headache, so she thankfully ended their conversation...hmmmm...that was sorta a coincidence...come to think of it...
OK...we're gonna work on your INNER POODLE. Yep...Sunny...I'm afraid ur gonna get an ulcer...so...to help you get ur ying and yang a little straighter, I have a piece of homework for ya....
Practice saying
at least 10 times a day...it's very helpful to say it when ur pretty sure somethin' bad is gonna happen...basically what I'm tellin' ya Sunny is:
Good Job!
Ok...now a few relaxin' chillaxin' breaths...IN>>>>OUT>>>>
Pawfect...feel better????
I'm so glad youw Mom was able to get youw foodses..and that youw cousin is coming..she sounds awfully nice and I'm suwe you'll have a gweat time wif lots of tweat s and it'sll be easiew on youw Mom too!
I think sunny is wight scootew, you can have fun all you want, you just have to ask youw Mom and get pewmission..I'm suwe she'd be happy to give it knowing what nice fwiends you hang out wif
smoochie kisses
hello scooter its dennis the vizsla dog mmmm cool treets sownd gud i hope i git sum too!!! ok bye
Hi Texas friends! I left something for you at my place!
Glad you've got food there. Sounds like you're going to have a great family time!
Oh dear.. is the moon really falling? Pawsome that you're getting yummy food. :)
~ Bae
Good! You won't starve afterall!
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