hay eferybudy! ok anok. so u guyz no hoo this is. yup, mi liddol gurl. we haddeded turkee an sum cornbred dressin an sum cranbereez an sum rollz an sum liddol green fings whut luk like a cabbag but iz liddol. sum kinda sprowtz mom sez. ok anok. so we r gonna take a nap an eet sum mor later.
matter of fact, i fink i need a snak now!
ok anok.
haf a reel nice weekend.
hi 5s
pee ess yeh. i haf mi belly band on. do not mak fun ov me!! ok anok.
Did woo eat sooo much good food that woo needed the belly band to keep your tummy from 'splodin'?
Woo both look soooo furry khomfy I'm ready fur another nap myself!
w00f's Sunny and Scooter, hheehee scooter, u looks cute napping there wiff ur liddol gurl...
b safe,
Crikey!!! All that food in such a little belly? Pawsom. Sleep well. happy Thaksgiving to you doggies andyour leggededs too.
Wiry Wags, Eric xx
Cute, cute photo! I love your dog bed on top of your human's bed.
Levi's mom
Hi, Scooter!
Glad you all had a pawesome Thanksgiving with all those yummy things!
Have a good night
Kisses and hugs
Hi Scooter...
We know all about bellybands..Gram used 'em fer all of us boys ta control the pee til we could ourselves.....she sewed a bunch of 'em....glad ta hear ya got a lot of good food on Thanksgivin'....we did too.....have a good nap.
Dewey Dewster here....
What a great napping partner.
Hey Scooter! Glad you had some quality time with your liddol gurl! She sure is cute!
Sounds like you had a good Thanksgiving! Lots of eatables, that's always good!
OH NO, the BELLY BAND. I don't have a problem at home, but at the SPCA, I like to do lots of marking. The Girl doesn't take me with her to meetings anymore, but she's been saying that if I had a belly band, I could go. Is it really as bad as I think it is????
Hope you get rid of the nasty thing soon.
brown dog kisses,
Scooter I just thought you had your mandly boxer shorts on...you look adorable sleeping with your little girl....i hope you enjoyed all your treats...
What a sweet picture! It's okay if you wear a belly band. Emmy has to wear panties because she tinkles when she gets excited.
Your posts always crack me UP! Your girl is a lucky one to get to sleep right next to a regular celebrity! At least you didn't position your head in the other direction!
Have a good weekend yourself!
Goob love,
Hi, Scooter...
That is the cutest picture ever...
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving...
Abby xxxooo
Oh my. Another case of Turkey Coma, as Petey has named it! Don't worry. You can cure it by eating lots of cranberry sauce!
And I thought you had on little black boxers too, so don't worry about the bb
How cute is that! HOpe you guys had a great Thanksgiving!
What a pawsome picture scooter. Looks like your Turkey Day was pawtastic.
Essex & Deacon
What a great photo! Tanner said you can be Scooter Torkelson if you want, OR you could be Scooter Snarklefin, or whatever name you want...because you will still be Twins.
You 2 look so comfy there.. We all took a nap with mom today since you are right it is a nasty day out...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
hi Scooter, napping after a big meal is the best. do you sleep with your ears straight up like that? that's cute!
hello scooter its dennis the vizsla dog hay wot is a belly band??? is it like a jelly been??? ok bye
your bed looks really comfertable! can i cuddle in there too?
Why do you have a belly band?
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco - The Princess
er What music exactly does your Belly Band play Scooter?
Marvin xxxxx
I wouldn't dream of making fun of you! You can't help what your humans do!
Guess what! You won something at my Blogoversary giveaway! When you send your address to mom she will mail it to you for me! sbrockis (at) embarqmail (dot) com
Pee Ess You sure do have a cute little girl! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving, it sounds like you did.
Did you eat all that food? We would never make fun of you.
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