Firstly, Mom shaved that "beard". (MUCH better, don't you think?) Here I am in a real silk scarf from Pari
s that was given to Mom by a male nurse friend several years ago. She has never worn it, bet he didn't know a Poodle would wear it! (Or maybe he did-my mom is known as the K9 Nut. hah)

(Mom says don't look at my nails. I give her a hard time about them and she will soon"hogtie" me to get them done..She also says I am not finished being groomed. So I guess I will be one of these days when she gets done playing around. Would somebody get her a life please?)
I am at last allowed to begin...
Here is what Scooter did most of the weekend. Most of the time all you could see was the throw covering him up. Mom has quite a few of those pics. We should play "where's Scooter" like they used to play "where's Waldo" with those pictures. hah
(BTW, I was sneezing in that last pic of me with all my big teeth showing in the post before last)

Since I cannot have rawhides, Mom is always looking for something I can chew on that might last a while.
This "Pedigree Super Chew" is for dogs weighing 50 to 120 pounds. (At my last vet visit I was about 56-58 pounds) AND. it states it is "a long lasting chew".
(Mom says don't look at my nails. I give her a hard time about them and she will soon"hogtie" me to get them done..She also says I am not finished being groomed. So I guess I will be one of these days when she gets done playing around. Would somebody get her a life please?)
After the "let's show off how well Sunny minds, give her the leave it command and make her look at it without touching it" show we have to go through,
I am at last allowed to begin...
Would anyone like to guess the amount of time elapsed from the start to this???
Go ahead, guess. There are not any prizes for this, maybe next time.
I did finish it all, but Mom had to answer the phone, and couldn't take pictures of the end. She does know how long it took to finish it off though. So guess how long it took to get to the last pic. I'll tell you after the guessing how long it took to get to this state and how long it took to polish it off from start to finish.
Here is what Scooter did most of the weekend. Most of the time all you could see was the throw covering him up. Mom has quite a few of those pics. We should play "where's Scooter" like they used to play "where's Waldo" with those pictures. hah
You model that silky scarf from Paris so well, you should be on a dog walk,haaaaa!
I guess not long to eat that chew. Am I right?
Wags, Eric x
Maybe your mom and Sparky's human Lizzie khould get together - they appear to be frustrated fashion photographers!
Hmmmm howza about 12.12 minutes?!?
oh la la! a silk scarf from paris!
i would have to say it took you 12 minutes to get the bone down to a nub and 16 minutes to polishit off completely. how far off am i?
Tail wiggles
Coco - The Princess
Waldo's right here! He says that the last time his mommy gave him one of those bones, he finished it in 6 minutes. Mommy thought he had knocked part of it under the couch he ate it so fast, but nope! He's just quick!
We are guessing 25 minutes!!
Have a great day...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I guess under ten minutes to finish of that chew! (I'm a fast chewer, too, Sunny.)
You look so beWROOtiful in your silk scarf (and without your beard... beards just don't suit you, my furend.)
Scooter is like my min pin Khavana, she's always the lump under the blanket...
The Girl wanted me to tell you what we are doing for e-cards. We are not going to one of those sites, cuz like you found, they cost money. so she is just making up a Word document with our picture and some words, and emailing that. Not a real e-card, but it works for us!
Brown dog kisses,
I am going to guess 7 minutes.
OK, I am guessing that it took you under five minutes to get to the nub stage and just a little less than 7 to finish it off (total) My record is faster than that, but on a medium bone.
ps..you look great in the scarf.
Hi, Sunny!
You look great with that scarf!
10 minutes??
Kisses and hugs
That's a pawsome scarf. I'm going to guess 3 minutes. ;)
~ Bae
Hi, Sunny...
I love your scarf...
Looks like you liked your treat...
Abby xxxooo
oh you look amazing in the Parisienne silk scarf mon petit choux, ooooh sorry your beauteousness got me barking in my school puppy French!
Thank you for you kind comments on my new blog. I am feeling quite poetic today, so here is this for you and your Mum.......
"Especially and only for your Mum,
My blog now has the picture of the Scotsman and his bum."
sorry that was not really very good!
love and licks, Marvin xxxxxx
pee ess, well you did ask!!!!!!
That picture of Scooter's ears is pretty funny. Cue the music from "Jaws"!
Glad you ditched that dumb beard. The only chewies I get are raw marrow bones about the size of pee-wee because everything else gets eaten too fast and then I get squirties and weird stuff in my poops.
Glad you got a chewie. Hey, somebody else has nails as long as mine!
Woo look very bee-woo-tiful in your scarf, Sunny. I like the colors on you.
You're getting all decked out for the holidays, aren't you, Sunny?
My guess is 45 minutes.
Hey Scooter, do you want me to come and play to liven things up at your house?
oh my please accept my apologies!
In my excitement to be back, I got your Mama's name mixed up!
I have altered it now, thank you for pointing my error out......
blushing Marv xxxxxx
You sure do look so much better after your hairy chin chin hair has been removed. Woah! Look at your nails! Do you feel comfortable with long nails? You should let your Mama cut it short for ya. I'm guessing, it took you less than 6 min to finish it. I have no idea why I say 6 minutes when usually most will just say 5 or 10 without adding another 1 nor 2 min to it but I just added 1 min more just in case you actually finished more than 5 minutes or less than 7 min. BOL! Am I talking sense or what???
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
My J has sent Jamie an email with some nice Scotsmen in traditional dress.......let me know if you don't receive it, she will email again.
She likes looking at the photo tooooooooooo!
Marvin xxxxx
Thanks for bisiting us. WE don't know about doggies, we are fraid of them mostly. Our Momma likes them, though.
You look so posh in your pretty scarf, Sunny!
Mom is always looking for long-lasting chews for us too and to date the raw marrow bone wins!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
we guess that it taked you 6.15 minutes to finish!
we love your scarf!!!!
You look great in that scarf! I guess 15seconds top! Scooter found the perfect place to stay warm!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
You look beautiful in that lovely scarf and with the beard gone!
The chew from start to finish? Not long!
You look really good in that scarf! I'm not good with the guessing. Err.. 5 minutes?
I'm not allowed to have a beard either!! My human says she doesn't like it, but she doesn't allow it because I like to drip water everywhere...thus testing her agility and reflexes when her feet touch my water drippings!
Gobble Gobble!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
You are ever so lovely in that scarf from Paris. Who better to wear it than you, Sunny.
Lets see, I think it would have taken you about 15mins to eat that. Am I right...am I....am I???
ps. does this mean you're not going in Stanley's beard comp?
Hmmmm. I know it wouldn't take me very long to chew it -- so my guess is 5 minutes.
Gee Sunny,
Ya look swell in tht silk scarf...'n much better without the beard...betthe super-chew wasn't so super, was it????? How about 10 minutes ta get it ta disappear ????
Oh yeah and Happy Thanksgivin' !!!
Dewey Dewster here....
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