uh, Marvin. mi band duz not play any moosic. maybe it iz brokeded?? i tol mom tu get me won that duz. we'll see. ok anok.
Khyra, i duzent needz it tu hold fudz in mi tummee.
Dannan, it iz reely not so bad. #1 it iz bedder than beein gateded off in the kitchen. #2 u reely kin git it off if u tri. mom haz nefer fownd won that i kin not git off. hahaha
Dennis, nop it iz nuffing lik a jellee been. tu bad, hu?
ok anok. i fink i ansereded eferywon. o yeh. mom sez az i getz olderer i getz wurserer bowt this marking. whutefer mom. i gotta let eferybudy no i am heer!! an markin iz how u du that. duh mom.
ok anok. i fink i needz a snak.
hi 5s
pee ess fankz fur not makin fun ov me. an i lik the boxer shorts ideea.
pee ess #2 i sleepz in mi bed on the big bed cuz i fallz off the bed lotz if i doan haf this won liddol place tu stay... mom sez that iz whi she wuz callin me a doofus befor we efer meeteded Tannerer
agin i say whutefer mom
Boyz are sure silly!
PeeEssWoo: I still think it was holding in all your turkey!
Those are very good answers to the questions. Of course you are getting smarter as you get older. Isn't that the way it is supposed to be
you look kind of cool with that belly band, Scooter. we admire you for marking everything. we like to read pee-mail. it's how we can know all of the news.
That belly band, oh man! Its just not a good look on you. Can't you get something with skulls or some other manly thing?
Oh Scooter, we would not laugh at you, you are our friend. We're glad you can go in the rest of the house now, including the small hoomans bed? worth wearing a band eh buddy?
Hey Scooter! Tell your mom is it a guy thing and she needs to get over it.
Uhhh,,,didn't work here, just in case you are wondering.
Hi, Scooter!
I did not want to ask you about your belly band and now I know all about it!
A bed on a bed! Good idea!
Kisses and hugs
w00f's scooter and sunny, ooo boy scooter me iz shure glad u answered all those questions...
b safe,
belly band or not...i love ya both ways, andif yoru mommyever needs a break and you need a vacation, you can come stay with me...belly band and all!
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses
Coco - The Princess
I think you look cute napping there
~ Bae
Love the photo!
Pats 7 pets
I am disappointed your Band does not play music, I think you should get your Mum to get you one soonest.
Although now I understand why you have one!
You have a very new language, so I take some time to bark through it.........
Barks, and licks, and here's hoping the Band Plays On soon.
love licks, Marvin xxxx Who Likes his Moooooooosic.
I am disappointed your Band does not play music, I think you should get your Mum to get you one soonest.
Although now I understand why you have one!
You have a very new language, so I take some time to bark through it.........
Barks, and licks, and here's hoping the Band Plays On soon.
love licks, Marvin xxxx Who Likes his Moooooooosic.
sorry for some reason I posted that gem twice!
hello scooter its dennis the vizsla dog hay i yoozd to mark in the howse too but i dont ennymore becuz i obtaynd paperwurk frum the bank wot sed the howse and evrything in it is mine the gud thing abowt paperwurk as opposd to marking is that paperwurk wil hold up in a kort of law ennyway the other day dada kawt me marking with my feets in the living rum yoo no by scraping my feets on the carpet and he sed that woodnt wurk to mark the carpet but wot duz he no he is just a hyooman ennyway i think yoo shud consult an attornee abowt gitting sum paperwurk like mine ok bye
At least it's a nice dark, masculine color, right??
Dude. I had to wear one of those when I had separation anxiety. Good thing I got over that! But seriously... I wore that band for the better part of a year. I feel your belly-banded pain!
Oh you and Tanner really are special little guys. You pee on stuff to mark it and Tanner gets MUD ON EVERYTHING. He came running in last night covered in MUD and Mom had to toss him in the sink...and he is RUNNING IN PLACE in the sink while she tries to wash him. HE IS NUTS!
Thanks for the answer about what it is like. The Girl has been threatening for as long as I've been here (3.5 years now!). But lately, she's been really saying that she'd like to be able to take me with her when she has meetings at the SPCA. And for some reason, she says she can't keep an eye on me (to catch me as I'm setting up to mark) and run a meeting at the same time. It's not like I'm the only dog that ever marked there, for pete's sake! Sheesh, she just is crazy. But just in case she gets one for me, I'm glad to know I can get out of it! BOL!
Brown dog kisses,
Yo, Scooter Dude!
Thank you for answering every question I could imagine asking about your belly band. WHOA! I sure hope you get one that plays music... maybe jazz or hard rock (if I can put in a request).
If anydog does laugh at you for the band, please let me know. I will pay them a visit and teach them some manners!
Goob love,
We dunno about the belly band, but you look TOO CUTE all curled in your bed like that.
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