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Friday, December 31, 2010


Twas the night before new year
and all through the house
the sundogs were thinking
no way will we be quiet as a mouse!

Come on new year, come on down here!
we've stories to tell, been silenced so long
Mom says she has figured out how to get those internets
And says this time she isn't singing that same old song!

So all of you have a very good new year
we are wishing for a kind and gentle one that has
jobs for those who need them, health &happiness too
just a year to be a good one for all the masses.

okokok  No more attempt at poor rhyming.  Within a week or so (depends on work schedule of the company.  Kinda when they can get to us.  Oh and TV too.  Scooter misses his Animal Planet.  Seriously) the sundogs will be getting internet at home, so we can post on our blog and visit our friends too.
We do want to show you our place-and the assorted livestock around us. Like this guy who came to visit and hung out on the back porch.........



Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas to All!

As we await Santa over at our human sister's house, our girl is waiting for Santa to make his way around the globe.  She knows she has to be asleep before he can come to Texas and it is still too early for him.
Before we go to bed, we will read, as we do every year, the wonderful story of the very first Christmas when angels appeared before a babe in a manger. 
We send you joy, peace, and good will toward others no matter what your faith is.. 
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a very GOOD NIGHT!!
(Dang Blogger won't let us to a picture......just imagine us all spiffy and stuff :-)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

OPY, Run Free

I could not believe the news of Opy's trip to the Rainbow Bridge when I got a chance to get on the computer. 
My heart breaks.  The Queen of DWB has joined the King, Charlie- where the sun always shines, where they are young painfree and can have all theMc nuggets and full happy meals-fries, all the cheeseburgers they want.  Heck Filet mignon if they so wish.
Opy was not so Gruff really.  That is why I love this picture of her smiling. She and her King of DWB, Charlie, leave a legacy that few if any dogs can claim.  (With the help of Brooke and Gregg), they began a family, a community with a kinship I've never seen among people from all over the globe.  A family that shores oneanother up when needed-giving comfort(which I have been the recipient of when my mom died.  and for reasons I cannot explain, it helps.) and when needed pulls together to help folks out in other ways.
The Texas Sundogs bow in respect and will howl to the Heavens tonight and many nights. 
I, Jamie, the human, will send prayers and hold Brooke and Gregg very tightly in my heart. God Bless y'all my Aussie friends.  You are being sent hugs from around the world and I only wish that there was something, anything that I/we could do.
so much joy, so much pain "when you give your heart to a DOG to tear".
Bye for now dear OPY.  Just for now.  BJP, try to do all you can to help out your mom and dad.  I know you will miss her too.
Sad, sad licks and hugs
Jamie and the Texas Sundogs

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Yes, We Are Still Around

We have a chance to make a quick post.  As some of you know, we do not have internet at our new place yet. We now live out in the country (still Denton county) on about 2 acres in a small old farmhouse.  when we can, we will show you pictures.  We hear the cyotes sing their haunting tunes.  the crickets, singing frogs, and the buzz of the locusts.  we hear all manner of bird calls and watch the buzzards loop their lazy circles.  we also have hawks big enough to carry little Scooter dude off, so he is under close supervision!
Not only do we have tree lobsters (squirrells), but rabbits everywhere. (And yep, some snakes, but it was right off the freeway where we lived before that I killed a snake in the bathroom in the house)
In short, we now live on a nice quiet peaceful piece of country.
Scooter is doing well.  He turned 13 on 9/13.  Sunny turned 9 on July 8. Nevermind how old I was on my bday 9/29.........;)
Hope we will be back soon with pics.  We miss all of you.
God Bless and Hugs

Monday, June 7, 2010

Busy, busy back to packing

Well, it looks like it is going to be a very busy month for us. (ok, mostly Mom-that opposable thumb thing.)  We have found out that finally the time may have come for us to pack up and move from Casa de Tejas Perros del Sol. (If mom remembers any of her 2 years of Spanish in high school, that should be close to" the house of the Texas sundogs")  We think we have about 30 days to pack and move.  Soooooooo, all that catching up we were planning on doing, will be every now and then.
Hopefully Mom can find us a place to move that will be nice.   Scooter is doing stretches to loosen up his muscles so he can do some of the heavy lifting...good idea Scooter dude.

I am taking a minute to watch for one of those tree lobsters.  Hope we will have them wherever we end up.

Then a little cardio so I can help too.  We will try to come by as we can.  Mom is a bit stressed out, but figures we can do anything we set our minds to.  Wish us luck in the packing and finding a place to live! 
Don't forget us, as like Patton, We shall return!  And hopefully post once a week.  Visit here and there as we can..

Saturday, June 5, 2010

This bite's for YOU..dumb troll

I have ginormous teeth.  Just sayin.........
Sunny here.  Mom got so disgusted over some "jerk" who made some atrocious comments on her Memorial day post she just didn't think about blogs or blogging for the last week. ( Also, she had more dental work, yipeee.)
(*note from Jamie to mr"Ashamed  to be an American".  You are lucky you hide behind a computer and never said those things about my Dad to my face.((Your voice would have raised by numerous octaves...just sayin))  But then since you are a coward, you never would have.  As far as spitting on his grave, calling him a warmongering baby killer,etc, etc, I forgive you for that because obviously you have the IQ of a gnat...Also, may I suggest if you are so ashamed that you move.  Oh wait, that's right,my Daddy and countless others have allowed you freedom of speech HERE. You are Sad and pitiful...get a life. )

We will be coming by our friends and catching up as best we can.  And of course, we, both Scooter and I, always have alot to say.  Today is just to let y'all know why we haven't been around and why comment moderation will now stay on.  AND the Texas sundogs always have each others "six" (means we have each other's back, as y'all who are friends with AO4 know)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

On behalf of a grateful nation: Memorial Day Monday

The last Monday of May is Memorial Day.  This is the day we honor our dead who have served our country.

It is the only day the flag is flown at half-staff until noon, then raised again until sunset.
It is not the day we thank our veterans who are still with us.  That is Veteran's Day.
It is not just to honor those who fell in battle.  It is for any veteran who has died by any means, during war or peacetime.

You familiar with this blog know that I come from a military family.  And I wouldn't have it any other way.
I grew up on bases, hearing TAPS.  Played each evening as the flag is lowered and signifying day is done.(During the civil war signifying go to sleep.)   Since attending my first military funeral(my cousin in the Navy), it became a very different song to me and can bring tears to my eyes immediately.Especially since my Dad's.

Please take a moment to say a little thank you.  If not for them, we would not be who we are today.  Thank you also to all the volunteers who spend days putting a flag on each and every grave in our National Cemeteries.  Thanks from me to you, I appreciate it.

Three volley salute (often called 21 gun salute, but that is actually only for a Preident of the United States.) There are 21 bullets fired, just that 7 rifles, fire once,lower rifle,2nd time, lower rifle, and third time, lower rifle, and march away.

Taps(bugler is always off from where the family is) 

The flag is lifted and crisply, precisely folded, then given to the presenter(at the head)

It is then given to the next of kin.  At my Dad's, to my mother. As he gives the flag, he says to her/him:

"On behalf of the President of the United States and a grateful nation, please accept

this flag as a token of the honorable and faithful service of your loved one."   
I hope you do take the time to say thanks. And to be a part of "a grateful nation".  
God Bless them all. And I will be thinking of all the sacrifices all have made for this country I love.
(pictures of actual services are not from my Dad's, they are from internet) Those of you who have known us for sometime also know it was this time last year that Mom was laid to rest with Dad.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Scooter's last tranmission from the moon,SUNNY reporting!

Well, hello.  It is me, Sunny(it has been 1 week since I spoke...thanks for your support yesterday.  I am reporting on Scootoober  though)   He was trying to find  Dennis  the vizsla dog.  (pic  courtesy of Dennis' dada)   Here is a transcript of the last trsmission.

"ok anok.  I has been lookerin efereewheer fur Dennis.  this heer moon iz purdy biggerest an iz aloteses of fun acuz i kin jumpses an goeses fasterer an furverer than i ushally duz.  I did seez sum weerderest fings. Arown  wun ov thos fings i cud smellz Dennis aroun.  but I nefer did seeses him!  I did callses him, but he nefer did anser.  I did smelz cheez tu but the weerderest metal fing wuz bein gardered bi sum  wuns.  I doan no if he did efer heerz me, buts mi oxeegin wuz runnerin owt so i hadda get back tu mi ship.  I will beez home fur supperz.  i haf drinkded lotses of tang an soes i iz gittin hungreez. (seez Mack, i rasded my spase helmit sheeld soz u cud seez it iz meee!) Scooter out.  No furver transmishuners kin beez mades. I...*crackle,crackle*
Well, there you have it.  My crazy(yet wierdly intellegent) brother(idiot savant Mom. Seriously) will be returning in time for supper.  Meanwhile, I have been his mission control.  Unfortunately, these photos of me at my post must remain classified for now(as I am still not sure how he got hold of the Atlantis exactly) I love him and all, but I am not going down with him if there are legal repercussions.
Well, I have to get back to mission control to make sure he doesn't crash into any foreign country that would cause  a BUNCH of trouble....

Thursday, May 27, 2010

this heer iz the coolerst

ok anok.  i tol efereebudee I HAF MI WAYS!!!!   Jus a littlerest test run.  hahahahahaha
ok anok.  i haf to see if i kin findses Dennis whut mite beez heer.  okokok anok  MUVVER  i will be home in time fur supperses next day frum now! shheeeeesh
chox up!
PS AHEM. Uh, MOM.  Do you think I might get a turn to blog someday in the foreseeable future???  Just sayin.   Still  The idiot savant gets all the attention!  HU?  OK, sorry scooter.  Better Mom???

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

End of an Era for Atlantis (Forget it Scooter-the answer is NO)

This morning I watched the space shuttle Atlantis make it's final touchdown at 7:48 am CST (or 0748 military time ;)  I had to swallow a lump in my throat as I watched this magnificent machine that has gone on 32 missions and traveled 120 million miles over the past 25 years. 120  MILLION  miles! It was a perfect touchdown.  There are only 2 more shuttle missions scheduled .  The Discovery and the Endeavor will make their final flights in September and November.
I love all things that fly and the space program is incredible.  I was fortuate enough to be alive and watch transmissions when man first walked on the moon.  Fortunate enough to be living in the Orlando area and see liftoffs in the early days in person.  It takes your breath away watching, hearing,feeling the experience.  It hit all your senses  at once and made your heart swell with pride, excitement and pure wonder. PURE WONDER. To think MAN, and proudly, American man did that, is beyond words.  Man I wish I could have been an astronaut.

"On its path to Kennedy Space Center, Atlantis crossed the Florida Everglades and headed north, passing over Lake Okeechobee where it triggered dual sonic booms (I LOVE them) as it slowed to subsonic speeds. Commander Ken Ham aligned Atlantis with Kennedy's southeast to northwest runway 33, where the ship touched down.

Aboard Atlantis with Ham were five astronauts -- pilot Dominic "Tony" Antonelli and mission specialists Garrett Reisman, Piers Sellers, Stephen Bowen and Michael Good. " 

Atlantis, you did us proud.  You are a grand flying machine that would have boggled the minds of the Wright brothers.  You boggled mine too.  It saddens me that our space program is being shut down.  I know we have to tighten our collective belts.  I just wish we had gathered up the pork in Washington DC and given it to the space program. WE, the collective we of the USA, have been AMAZING.  Congratulations to NASA, to the Astronauts, to mission control.

Those that love flight and the miracle of it will understand my feelings.  (And NO Scooter, you can't "goeses tu gitses it sins thay duz noteses wanna userest it eneemor." ) Take off your flight glasses and come eat breakfast.  GEEEZ

Well Done Atlantis.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I is werkin hard

(fanks too tannerer's mom fur this heer picshur)
ok anok Purdee soonerest I will haf mi plane redeeerest fur mi tripses.  hayhayhay guess whutguesswhut???  ok anok i gitses excitered bowt this nex fing.  I iz allmos dun wif mi indibisibel cape!!!!
 mi pilotz frenz ofer at that base iz halpin me wif mi flite planseses acuz i wanna go soooo many plases.  I duz haf lots of frenz an mi twinnerer whoo iz tannerer tu.
 ok anok  beez pashens an we all wil haz a grate venshur!
 ok anok.  godda go. brekfus time!
Chox up

Monday, May 24, 2010

A Poem For Max, a Heart Dog

Maxdog Mom lost her heartdog, Max this morning.  She gave him the gift that we all hate to give.  Please go give her a hug.

 You're giving me a special gift,
 So sorrowfuly endowed,
 And through these last few cherished days,
 Your courage made me proud.
 But really, love is knowing,
 When your best friend is in pain,
 And understanding earthly acts
 Will only be in vain.
 So looking deep into your eyes,
 Beyond, into your soul,
 I see in you the magic that will once more make me whole.
 The strength that you possess,
 Is why I look to you today,
 To do this thing that must be done,
 For it's the only way.
 That strength is why I've followed you,
 And chose you as my friend,
 And why I've loved you all these years......
My partner til the end.
 Please understand just what this gift,
You're giving means to me.
 It gives me back the strength I've lost,
 And all my dignity.
 You take a stand on my behalf,
 For that is what friends do,
 And know that what you do is right,
 For I believe it too.
 So one last time, I breathe your scent,
 And through your hand I feel,
 The courage that's within you,
 To now grant me this appeal.
 Cut the leash that holds me here,
 Dear friend, and let me run.
 Once more a strong and steady dog, My pain and struggle done.
 And don't despair my passing,
 For I won't be far away,
 Forever here, within your heart,
 And memory I'll stay.
 I'll be there watching over you,
 Your ever faithful friend.

  Someone sent me this when I had to let my heart dog, Tess go.  I hope it brings you some comfort Caryl.  We love them all but heart dogs come along only now and then.  I am so very sorry, but I believe Max has shaken himself and thought WOW.  I feel like a pup again!  And is seeing all the dogs and humans he knew on this earth and making new friends while he waits for you.  Gone for now, just for now from your sight.
We send love from Texas.  If only I were there to give you a hug and cry with you like your anonomous friend at the clinic.  I hope you and the Boss can help each other
Much love and hugs
ps  lyrics to Rod Stewart's song
May the good Lord be with you

Down every road you roam

And may sunshine and happiness

surround you when you're far from home

And may you grow to be proud

Dignified and true

And do unto others

As you'd have done to you

Be courageous and be brave

And in my heart you'll always stay

Forever Young, Forever Young

Forever Young, Forever Young

May good fortune be with you

May your guiding light be strong

Build a stairway to heaven

with a prince or a vagabond

And may you never love in vain

and in my heart you will remain

Forever Young, Forever Young

Forever Young, Forever Young

Forever Young

Forever Young

And when you finally fly away

I'll be hoping that I served you well

For all the wisdom of a lifetime

No one can ever tell

But whatever road you choose

I'm right behind you, win or lose

Forever Young, Forever Young

Forever Young ,Forever Young

Forever Young, Forever Young

For, Forever Young, Forever Young


Sunday, May 23, 2010


just a quicky   Not sad anymore at all,(sore from my 6 ft fence debacle, yep. but no worries, be happy.) have never watched the tv series LOST, but heard this 3 hour finale would tell all.  AHEM.  I am LOST.......2 1/2 hrs with 1/2 to go and , er, gonna go get cokes or something(probably when the 1/2 hr is up in hopes my superior intellect will figure this out...  RIGHT  (There's a couple of cute guys on it.  So far that's all I have gotten out of it ;}
that's all
happy Sunday.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Jamie's Sad Saturday or is it?

sometimes, I just am...sad. For one reason or another.  Or alot of things.  I think it is the human condition, so here is a poem I have framed.  I will Never quit.

                                                      Don't Quit
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems uphill,
When the funds are low, and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with it's twists and turns,
As everyone of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When one might have won had they stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow,
You may succeed with another blow.

Success is failure turned inside out,
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit,
It's when things seem worse,
that you MUST NOT QUIT.
Author Unknown
I won't.  Ever.  The best thing that could ever happen to you or me may be just around the corner.  Rest if you must-guess that means being sad....dunno.  But as Miz Scarlett said  "After all, tomorrow is another day"  :)
Hugs to all,
PS when I locked myself out of the house today it only took me 45 minutes in the 90 degree F (I duz not know C) weather to get back in.  Sunny did not unlock the door for me-hmmmmmppphhh  (never mind how I landed from the 6 foot fence on the concrete....  fine, just nutty mahvelous)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Finkin Friday

hayhayhay.  ok anok.  so this heer is finkin friday.  me, beeein that deeperest finkeerer, is ritin this heer post.  I is still finkin bowt mi tripses in mi plane an plottinerest thos cordinaters-flite paf. 
so ok anok.  mom haz been buzeerest she duz sez.  doan thoz hoomans alwaases haf scuses???  geez typer purson.  gitz wif itz!
so ok anok.  nuvver fing i wuz finkering bowt wuz peepul.  duz u noz thats sum meen peepulses haf tryded tu make mi mom feelz badderest bowt shamus dawg?  i duz noses mi mom an shee duz luf dawgses-spechally me  hahahahaha-feree, feree mucherest.   i finkses i noses y she duz likeses dawgs bedder than lotz of peepuls.
ok anok i duz godda go.  i needz a snax an godda werk on mi trip in mi plane.
Haf a graterest weekend!!!!  I iz gonna an so iz mom an sunny!  ok anok
chox up

Monday, May 17, 2010

Our Road trip part 2

Mom's friend, Tracy, has a 3 bedroom house.  Each bedroom was full of dogs!  Our room was the "dog room" with a twin bed. (note permanent ex-pen, doggy stuff on the walls.  Familiar sights to dogshow folks)  Tracy has always had Dobermans.  But, this time, she had 1 Dobe and 2 others of different breeds.. 
There was another lady (Sharon from Arkansas) there that was showing the big boy(he got the points 2 days out of 4..not a bad weekend!  The smaller one was a 4 month old cutie girl baby.
LOOK!  Dennis the Vizsla.(nope, turns out it was not)

I took a look at that, and said to my self "Self, when in Rome, do as the Romans do. Or in this case all the other dogs. "

"WHAT????  What do you mean there is no room for you in this bed, Mom.  You were laughing and carrying on and I was here first.  Seems to be the house rules.  I've seen dogs on the bed alll over the place."
(I begrudgingly moved an inch or so to let her in the bed.  Even though SHE will only get about 2 hours of sleep since she stayed up SO LATE!)

hayhayhay   ok anok.  I wuz exhaustimated an happy to be in my condo.  Whut duz a scootober haf tu do tu gitses sum sleepses?? ok anok keepses it down pleez MUVVER

to be continued........

Thursday, May 13, 2010

PSA-Important ID Tags

With spring comes thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricane season.  These tags were inspired by the troubles after Hurricane Katrina.  The Red Cross and Dogster went in together and came up with these tags.  Since chips require a reader and not all readers are standardized yet, this tag is a deal in my opinion.
Not only can you put your phone number on them, Dog's name, etc, there is a website where you can look up the tag's link and  find picture of the dog, vet's name, phone number, all kinds of things about the dog.
To me, this is a way that whether you are traveling, or at home and somehow you were to lose your dog, anyone can look up all the dog's info, see a picture of the dog, and lists other numbers to call in and out of state.  For instance, I chose to put my phone number and each of their names on their tags.  Their link also has my daughter's phone, my sister's phone in CA,  you get the idea.
When I got them they were 24.95 each.  Worth the money in case I were to have something unexpected happen.
I took off the picture of the other side of the tag when I realized that if biggified, the link showed and there is way too much info to just put out in these ethers on there!

 You can find them on Dogster and gives lots of info.
Just a good idea if you ask me! 

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Hayhayhay.  Ok anok.  So I wuz finkin bowts lotses of fings.  I is a deep finkerer u no.  An I duz finkses I needs to lookses into makin a trip in wun of thos planes tu goeses rownd tu seeses sum of mi frenz that doeses needses sum laffs.  ok anok 

Heer I iz doin sum puterer werk.  u haf to haf a flite plan u noses.

Heer I iz chekin owt thoz cordinaters, uh, flite paf.
An heer I is finkin mor.
I dids du sooo much finkin I godda haf a snak an a nap nows.
Chox up!
pee ess  Mom duz sez we gotta tellses bowt our road trip too.  whutefer mom.  I still godda call my buds bowt that plane anywayz!

Monday, May 10, 2010

New Angels Jackson and Digby

Jackson, King of the WFT, passed quietly in his sleep last night.  Run with the wind dear Jackson. 

Digby of Southern France lost his battle to the tick bourne disease he had contracted. Now in heaven playing ball with new friends (hey Shamus!  another ball lover!)

Gone from our sight for now.  Just for now.
We have heavy hearts and will look for the new bright stars in the heavens tonight.  With so many gone before them, I am picturing a great play time of balls flying, zoomies and running for the joy of it, as they wait for their people.   Bye for now, just for now.

Brave warriers both.

pee ess Petey   has put up just what I picture in my mind about that will be going on! 


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

                                              Dandelions From Heaven ,   author unknown

Mother's Day is coming... and I wanted to send you a sign...Something you can tell others .. "Is from an angel of mine."So I searched the Heavens high and low for that perfect thing...And low and behold I found it... and a smile I hope it will bring.So when you look to the Heavens .. and see the yellow stars in the sky...Just think of me ... your angel .. in the Heavens way up high...And just imagine those stars ... are dandelions above...Yes!! Dandelions are also in Heaven... which you know how much I love.

So on this Mothers Day... when you awake and feel blue...You will notice those yellow stars ... are no longer in view ...So just look to the meadows and the dandelions you see...Are the ones I've tossed down again this Mother's Day from me!!And when you find a dandelion that has turned from yellow to white...You're supposed to make a wish... and then blow with all your might.For you will be blowing me in Heaven above...And I will be catching them and blowing them back... sent with all my love.

Please know that I am with you... on this Mothers Day...And also in the days ahead...God and I will never stray...We will be with you in the morning...when you wake and see the sun...We will be with you when you say your prayers...when the day is done.For God and I will never be...very far from your side...For I can now be everywhere...and God will be your guide...

So...remember when you see dandelions...its your guarantee...That I am always close to you...For dandelions are free to just like me.

I love you Mom and I miss you.

Jody and I giving Mom her birthday cake.(Guess I was going to help blow out the candles-ha)

Happy Mother's Day to my daughter Jody.  What a good mom you are to our little Madeline!

Jody and I getting Anna's(my Mom's) birthday cake ready.
Happy Mother's day to all the moms-my sisters, my niece-all of you out there, human moms and dog moms too!  And for those of us whose Moms have crossed over, we remember today, and everyday.
I'll be sure and find a white dandelion to blow kisses heavenward today.   

Friday, May 7, 2010

Snake in the Bathroom part 2

I did not make myself clear last night.  I NEVER leave a snake in the house once I sight it.  Sunny, who has to follow me everywhere got to the door and gave a low growl, i grabbed her, put her out and shut the door. Just me and the snake now in the bathroom. (There are very few "snake dogs" I have ever met.  My grandparents had a cocker on their ranch that was a natural born snake dog.  She would grab one just behind the head and shake it silly.  Didn't matter if it was a rattler coiled or one flat out.  She would take us to it if close, or bring it if far.  Poisonous snakes can still poison when dead as the venom remains in the fangs)
Sooooo, I remained still while I looked for how to get rid of it.  Don't laugh, but it was death by toilet plunger.(Hey I was in the bath room....not alot of tools!)  Smacked the rubber plunger to cover head, got wash cloth to grab it right behind said head, picked it up and dropped it in toilet.  Well, flushing was not working  because it was not dead.  Sooooo, I took said rubber plunger and eventually managed to send it to the snakepit in the sky, then flushed.
What bothers me is where are it's bros and sis's??????  In talking to the county extension agency, they seemed to think after I described house, location, etc, they might have gotten in through wall.  Folks at the local feed store agreed.  This is an old house and many things were never up to code. (oh yeah, like the elec. wiring.....)
I know snakes are everywhere-(my son was found playing with pigmy rattlers on Mt Tam in Mill Valley, CA when he was 4...)
And I am usually ready outside, especially when living in the boonies.  But honestly, this dang duplex is right on the expressway and it surprises me to see one inside.
I have put a picture up that if you bigify you will see a LARGE cotton mouth.(Over in the Piney woods of E. TX)  He was too close to the house to shoot. See him????  Guess he wanted to come in, and when I went ouside to follow him to shoot him, he just stayed right at the house. When we lived over in East Texas-which might as well be Louisiana, we had those too.  And I have killed small ones of those in the house(they have a very distinct smell, by the way).  I just never want to step on one or I will be scraped off the ceiling !  I can also tell you horses abhor all snakes and you better pay attention or when they spook at them you will end up on the ground! (and may anyway-lol)

This next, well, didn't shoot them.  Just included it for fun.  That's on the Red River.  Caddo Indian country over in the piney woods.
There ya go. I assure you I am kind hearted and will go out of my way to carry out a cricket, grasshopper, etc.  We have these weird looking lizards that look clear nearly.  Kinda ugly and they get in here alot.  I can't catch them, but I leave them alone. They startle me at times, but, 
 hey, eat some bugs or something I guess.   Snakes, mice that spread disease, sorry.  Outa here and Zero tolerance 
NOW.  Wasn't that lots of fun?  Better than "Snakes on a Plane" the movie, which I heard was awful... ;}  lol
Fingers crossed for that dude being an only snake child...........
Happy Dreams!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Snake in the bathroom!  Snake in the bathroom!!  AAACCCKKKK!!!!!!  Baby copperhead and HOW DID IT GET THERE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!  OMD.   And no I did not stop to take pics!!!!!  *shudder*  
I shall now be tiptoeing through the house.............
Pleasant dreams all.  Geez. 

Nursing Day/Week, Nat'l. Day of Prayer and Sunny's 2 cents on grooming

Many are unaware that today is National Day of Prayer. This observance has been held annually since 1952, when Harry Truman issued the first proclamation. United States President Barack Obama issued a proclamation on April 30.
Here is a part of the Presidential Proclamation:

“On this day, let us give thanks for the many blessings God has bestowed upon our Nation. Let us rejoice for the blessing of freedom both to believe and to live our beliefs, and for the many other freedoms and opportunities that bring us together as one Nation. Let us ask for wisdom, compassion, and discernment of justice as we address the great challenges of our time.”
AAANNDDDD it is also Nurses Day! 
"Nurses Day is on May 6 and it is the start of what we call Nurses Week, which starts on May 6 every year and ends on May 12. There is reason why the May 12 date has been chosen. It is the date Florence Nightingale has been born.

This event is a very important one for the health care system, as it celebrates the ones that help people suffering all over the country. The idea of having a week-long celebration is to allow all nurses to enjoy it, considering their very different schedules. A lot of events celebrating them are being held, ranging from dinners to various conferences and seminars.

The history of the celebration starts in 1953. Dorothy Sutherland, at the United States Department of Health suggested that a Nurses Day be held in October the following year, which happened in 1954, when a whole week was dedicated to nurses. The idea was to celebrate Florence Nightingale going to Crimeea 100 years before.

In 1974 a National Nurses Week was proclaimed by president Richard Nixon and since 1982, May 6th is the National Recognition Day for Nurses, that was turned into a whole week of celebration in 1990."

On a personal note, I have been given a coffee mug with the hospital;s name on it, a pen with the hospital's name on it, writing pad-you guessed it-with the hospital's name on it  as a Nurse's Day gift.  lol.  I once got excited as I thought our hospital was giving us a T-Shirt with the ANA's Nurse's Day logo on it.  uh, they were selling it to us :(   $12.00.  If we could get to the room with the  festivities,(day shift-night shift was out of luck), there was cake and hard candy.   Seemed as though the hospital admin was permanently parked there to grab any media that might happen by.  And more and more hospital's are turning our day/week into hospital appreciation week.  I think there are many other disciplines besides nursing that should be recognized, but geez guys, don't take our day away! 
Ah well, the reason I love nursing is not for a t-shirt anyway.    Hands on was the rewarding-and many times, heartbreaking-part.  Before my first injury, I was all set to embark on Flight nursing.  You know, the helicopters?  Life took another way.
I miss patient care, but will have to be satisfied with teaching or a desk job.    Have thought of trying on school nursing so I could have summers off ;)  When all dental procedures are finished, will begin the process of finding out where in the area I can find an actual position.
If all else fails, I can still groom dogs! ;) 
 Sunny here.  Dog Blog, Mom.   You are making everyone yawn with your nursing tales and plans.   Speaking of about you get in some practice????
Hugs Sunny

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

cinco de mayo party and friends on our minds

digby fighting his tickborne illness. Things do not look good, but he battles on.

max is in his 88th day of grace.

Both "Senor Scooter Man" and Sunny went to Lily's party over at Mack's to lift a glass to our friends that are battling serious illness.    Also, it is cinco de mayo which chihuahuas must celebrate.  And living life to the fullest is what we all must do, no matter how badly things seem to be going with ourselves and our friends.  Mom often wishes Shamus could still be here, but is learning to try to live in the moment as our wise dogs do.  So we soldier on, we party on, as those we love, human and canine, that left us would want.

Of course the fashionistas, Asta and Lacie girl got decked out for the party.  Apparently Senor Scooter Man only stepped on Asta's feet 30 or so times while dancing.  Who knows what shape Lily's are in as he was her escort!  A cell phone call from Sunny assured me she was trying to keep him in line and not cripple everydog there! (Though she was a bit giggly when she called.  Hmmmmm   Pawgaritas.)

She snapped Lily belting out a Mexican fiesta song.(She could not tell me the name, but Lily was in fine form.  That ta kill ya she drinks loosens up the vocal chords!) 

So,  here is to living each day to the fullest, to friends going through journies none of us want to travel, but that all of us will sooner or later.   I lift my Dr Pepper to all of you!   And Scooter, do fly carefully when you come home!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Oh Geez-Close call for us?

Uh....this looks like a close call to me.  I don't even know exactly when it happened.  The burnt plug is an extension cord that had a box fan plugged in that has not been turned on for months.  This plug-in is right by my bed and Sunny's condo (aka as my bedside table).  Also the plug-in that the window A/C unit would have been plugged into if the A/C unit had been in use(wasn't). 
Scarey electical stuff .  Don't like it.  Will try not to be absolutely paranoid until we move.......
Thanks to our angels watching out for us!  
Jamie (taking deep calming breaths..:)