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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Circle of Life

Jan 10 was the last time i blogged and i turned off my aircard to save a buck or 2 for a bit. See, the last couple of months have been harder than normal. (And too dang cold and snowy I might add. GEEZ)

Surgery was ok, couple complications and possibly one more "little"surgery...aaaggghhhhhh But my daughter came and stayed with me 4 or 5 days til I was able to get around better and cooked me lots of wonderful homemade soup.

The time of year has been a problem for me-Jan 12 mom went to hosp. I never thought she would never come home or that nearly 2 months to the day she would leave to be with daddy. To be stupidly honest, probably, my mind has been reliving each day. I can push it away during the day to an extent but at night.The night. When sleep finally comes it brings the technicolor dreams. Kinda like seeing the damnable movie everynight. I am looking forward to March 11, 2010. THEN I think the daily documentary of watching my mother lie there and waste away and then pass, well I think it will be done. I imagine I will get in the swing of things after March 11.

The DWB losses> OMD As I would speak on the phone to a couple of friends there were losses.then another, and on............The circle of life seems to have been spinning at warp speed in 2010.

I send condolences to all. I will attempt to get around to show my respects at each site very soon OMD there was even youngster of a dear friend of mine. Deetzy's bro Sharkey. In a crazy accident. Dammit. An older friend than he ever knew. Wally Tamale. I had been reading his blog long before I blogged. How do you actually love those you have never seen in person?? This DWB family is something hard to figure out. I reckon the joy brung is the only thing to think of when these losses come about. I am still not sure if I know all the losses. Just know I will get to paying our respects.

Give your heart to a dog to tear.......

And losing people. The price of love is high. Very high.

We send love to all of you. Hope we will not be as disappointing soon.


Jamie and the sun dogs
ps James got over 73 cards at last count! And I thank you all. He wanted me to say THANK YOU more later


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

How NICE to see woo!

Yes, it has been a tough time fur many - but we've had each other -

Each time we thought we khouldn't hurt more, we have -

YET, each time we thought we khouldn't laugh more, we did -

Khyra & Khousin Merdie

Asta said...

It's so vewy nice to heaw fwom you auntie Jamie!!! and see that pict=oowe of Sunny and Shamus playing in the snow..(whewe is my Scootew buddy??)
It's been a vewy huwtful sad time lately, but also a wenewal of the love we all get fwom each othew in this wondewful commoonity. I'm so glad James got all those cawds..I knew he would and was wondewing..I hope it made him smile
love you and send smoochie kisses
ASTA and Mommi

Lorenza said...

Yes. The Circle of Life.
I hope James got my card!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Dandy Duke said...

How nice to hear from you, Miss Jamie! It has been a rough winter for so many of our friends!
We will pray for you! ((((hugs))))

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

It is good to hear from you. Sounds like a rough winter for you. Just remember to hug your puppies. They know how to absorb your scary thoughts and make things better.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We missed all of you. The winter is a tough time to be all cheery and happy but this winter was so cold and dreary that it just made things worse. We hope the spring will make the sun shine brightly for all. We have our paws crossed that all Mom's surgeries are over and that she is doing well.

If you want to help put a smile on her face, tell her to pop over to our blog and see the newest addition.

Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

houndstooth said...

It's good to see you back! Hopefully the toughest part is behind you!

Gus said...

Muzzer says "Well, there goes my fantasy that she snagged a rich Texan and eloped."

So good to have you back! We've certainly missed you and the gang.

Kisses to all

gussie, muzzer and TEKA!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Sooooo glad that you are back. You have been missed. I am glad that many cards arrived. The days are getting longer and that will make everything seem better.
That is a grrreat photo at the top.

Deetz said...

Good to see you back. We have been away too long too, but it has been very difficult for us to blog with Sharkie's photos everywhere. WE are going to be okay and you are always in our thoughts and prayers even though you do not hear from us often. Please know that!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

My Jeannie always says "grief is the price we pay for love"

No worries about your blogging, just get well and be happy, life is more than a dog blog.

We love to read your blog, when you can blog, but we know sometimes real stuff takes over.

We are not good bloggers just lately, again, real stuff gets in the way.

Just glad to read you are back and ok.

love from Marvin xxxxxxxx

pee ess from Jeannie

Oh my wish I had lots of kilts with appropriate men to cheer you up, however, kilt sighting has been kinda rare just lately. And you do not want to ever see a Rare Kilt. Kinda freakish. ;0D

I found when my parents died, it took a long, long time for those darn technicolour dreams to stop. Even when I thought they had gone they would come back, one night, and bite me.

But I have learned to expect them, not worry about them, and think of them kindly. Life is a bloody farrago of laughter, sadness and a roller coaster of dreams, hopes and disappointments.

I remember all your blog posts about your Mama so well, my thoughts are with you. As always.......even though we probably will never meet, my life is warmed by your blog friendship.

Love and much light, Jeannie xxxxx

and Marvin xxxxxx

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

and yes, I was so saddened by Wally's passing, we had been away to the sun on holiday in Europe for a week and when we came back, the sad news was looking me in the face.

He was one of our oldest blog pals. So sad.

We too, here in Scotland, have had the worst winter according to official statistics, for the past 50 years. I tell you, if one more bloody snowflake dares to fall here, I will personally deal with it.

24 inches fell in 24 hours this time last week, and now it is so cold, it has frozen over and is probably going to be here for ever and a day.

Take time to grieve, and keep well.

Jeannie xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Joe Stains said...

So good to hear from you! Glad the surgery went as well as it could have. We are sending lots of vibes to you and Tanner is missing his twinnerer.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Nice to see you, I was thinking about you guys the other day. Hope your recovery continues and glad to hear we buried James with cards! :-)


Keep your chin up. Somethings stay with you fur-ever. Remember the good times.

Essex & Deacon

Petra said...

Hi Jamie! I've been thinking of you and your loss. It was a year ago yesterday that we said goodbye to my dad, and it's been a week of many memories.

Spring is coming, and it's a sign of new life.

Hang in there!


Moco said...

This has been a hard year. We are sending you happy vibes for the next one to come.

Pedro said...

In my opinion, the circle of life needs to take a chill pill for awhile!!!


Dewey Dewster said...

There has been so much sad news seems like tears are part of every day....somehow ya get thru it and move on...if ya don't the world will pass ya by...

Glad ta hear that James got so many cards....hope he was surprised....'n hope yer feelin' better....

Dewey Dewster returns...

Raising Addie said...

First we are sooo happy that James received soooo many cards!

There are been many losses but there has been a lot of fun things happening too. :) It's great that we have DWB to share all of them with.

It looks like you got lots of snow last weekend! We only received a dusting. We are very happy that spring has come to us.

Hope you are outside enjoying this beautiful weather!

Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie and Hailey

Amber-Mae said...

Hey there!!! How have you guys been?

Love licks & Hugs,
Solid Gold Dancer

Toffee said...

came by to say hello.
hope you are doing well.