Smiles for ya'll!
Well, hi guys. How is your 09/09/09 going!!!! Mom says it only happens every now and then that all the numbers match up but personally I don't find it quite as interesting as she does... Sorry Mom. Then again she doesn't like trying to get tree lobsters(squirrels). Se la vie. Different strokes and all that. I digress, however.
Scooter's birthday is coming up on the 13th. He will be 12. He made me such a nice card(well, for him) and wanted to surprise me on my birthday. Sooo, I want to do the same for him. He is a pain sometimes, but has such a sweet innosense. He's all "what, me worry?" (Hmmmm Mom says a famous magazine dude used to say that. Cover boy of MAD magazine. Do they publish that anymore?? Uh Mom digresses once again. sheesh mom, can we stay on topic????? Apparently her mind flits around as in ooohhh look at the pretty butterfly....AHEM)
As I was TRYING to say, don't tell Scooter. He doesn't realize his birthday is coming. His mind is full of "tawking" to Tan Torkelson, looking for ufo's in the yard and who knows what else.
(I don't know why neither of our birthdays made it into the DWB b'day box, but no worries.)
So Mum's the word so we can surprise Scooter! Please help me wish him Happy Birthday on the 13th!
(see he's out there squinting his eyes up-tawkin to tanner he says....)
Now, about me! It's been on the boring side around here. Mom has looked at a couple places, but nothing yet. Apparently we have more time to find a place than we thought.
Scooter's birthday is coming up on the 13th. He will be 12. He made me such a nice card(well, for him) and wanted to surprise me on my birthday. Sooo, I want to do the same for him. He is a pain sometimes, but has such a sweet innosense. He's all "what, me worry?" (Hmmmm Mom says a famous magazine dude used to say that. Cover boy of MAD magazine. Do they publish that anymore?? Uh Mom digresses once again. sheesh mom, can we stay on topic????? Apparently her mind flits around as in ooohhh look at the pretty butterfly....AHEM)
As I was TRYING to say, don't tell Scooter. He doesn't realize his birthday is coming. His mind is full of "tawking" to Tan Torkelson, looking for ufo's in the yard and who knows what else.
(I don't know why neither of our birthdays made it into the DWB b'day box, but no worries.)
So Mum's the word so we can surprise Scooter! Please help me wish him Happy Birthday on the 13th!
Now, about me! It's been on the boring side around here. Mom has looked at a couple places, but nothing yet. Apparently we have more time to find a place than we thought.
I wish Mom had gotten pictures of the day Scooter went missing. Most excitement we've had around here in awhile. She's calling and calling him. Looks in the yard, looking ALL over the house. (Scooter does NOT come unless he feels like it)
As we were walking around the house, Mom was starting to panic. Then, once again, who came to the rescue??? Well, of course, moi. I walked straight over to an open, partially packed box and sat down beside it. Do you think Mom had the brains to pay attention to what I was trying to tell her???????? Duh-poor mom, she just doesn't have the intelligence I do.
Then I stood up and stuck my nose in the box> She's all, SUNNY WE HAVE TO FIND SCOOTER!! Stop playing around!!!
I'm all TRYING to tell her, uh crazy woman the twerp is in this box hiding from you and you won't listen.
Finally I goosed Mr. "I doan haf tu do nuffin I doan wanna" aka Scooter and his head popped up.
He had hopped in, nested in a couple towels and was sleeping. He HAD woken up and was just ignoring Mom, roaching on the towels.(He is not hard of hearing-he just doesn't mind)
Long story long....Mom FINALLY realized what I had been doing the whole time. I got cookies!!
AAACCCCCKKKKKK Blogger will not let me upload pics -it says due to internal errors. GEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Mom may throw this puter out the window someday!
Too bad, I had some lovely pics of myself....Mom says she doesn't know if it is her blankety blank pooter or blogger...bah Guess we'll try later. Did you know we missed our blogaversary in Aug?? Guess dillos don't recognize the importance of those things!
Well, finally hours later, pics...sheesh btw Mom, a little groom is in order?!?! Golly
Ok An Ok we will not tell Scooter about his barkday.
We think you deserve a STEAK for finding him. Cookies? Pah, we sneer at cookies.
Gussie n teka
not really, we love cookies.
Mum's the word about the birthday. We had trouble with blogger too today but it finally worked for us. Why don't you try again?
Woos, the OP Pack
Great, so much better with the lovely photos, glad you got it to work.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
My dog ,but you look gowgeous!
Have you been at a westful spa all those momfs you wewe missing?
Anyway..I won't bweave a wowd to my pal scootew!
We MUST celebwate him..I should be back fwom Afwika by then..even if I'm not I will be celebwating
smoochie kisses
Woo won't hear a peep or a purr or a bark or a yap from me about it!
OMD this is a hard secret to keep. I hope IT is a great one. 12 years is a long time so it should be extra special.
wally t. will be hard to keep the B-day secret but we will try.... Ya sure look swell Sunny in yer hard-ta-upload pics....
Just want ta thank ya fer stoppin' by 'n havin' nice words ta say about me and my uncanny ability ta fail at earthdog.....ya and a few other friends have pretty much said the same things....maybe earthdog isn't my forte....yer right...I am an intellectual...yep...fer sure....think I'll try ta go back ta school fer a special degree...what do ya think I might become besides a canine reporter ??? A doctor of knowledge perhaps ??? A teacher ??? What ???? I need ta sit down and really think this all over. Oooooohhhhh , my head is startin' ta hurt real bad......brain drain....
Later guys.....
Dewey Dewster here....
Hi, Sunny!
Thanks for telling us about Scooter's birthday!
Sounds like him gave your mom a scary time! Good girl finding him!
Blogger is weird sometimes!
Kisses and hugs
You are one super intelligent gal.
hello sunny its dennis the vizsla dog hay gud wurk finding scooter!!! it sownds like he is tayking lessons frum the kitty in how to ignore peepul!!! ha ha ok bye
Wow! 12 years old! That's awesome! shhhhhhhhhhh, we don't say a word!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
OH how exciting a barkday. I saw your respons on another blog (for the life of me can't remember which one, sad state my brain is in lol) and loved reading all about your adventures.
It's going to be a greats surprise. Soo cools!
And thanks for sniffing around my place.
Suzy ∆••
We are so going to wish scooter a happy birthday. Glad you were around to show your mom where he was. Mom's need all the help they can get.
I am still not sure how Scooter and Tanner are twins when their birthdays are 2 days apart, but I am not going to think TOO hard about it.
Even though we are in South Africa, Tanner wants to post.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TWINNERNENERNNRNERER. Sorry our finking is HARDEREST because I am on like a different consonant, but I will be back soonerest and then we can have a venshur OK?
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