Wow! Look at the card Asta made for me! Her mommi and her are sooo talented and soo sweet! Thank you so much Aunty Ami and Astarooni!!! I love it and so does Mom! Tye dye, the tropics, ahhhhh....
pee ess ahem, yep, they were right on time too, unlike Mom's posting!!! hahahahaha
Sunnypalooza, who would have thought I would get a palooza???? WOW
We love u all and miss seeing u. Mom is really doing stuff from when she gets up to when she goes to bed. Between packing our house, trying to take care of gramma's stuff, finding a place to live, and an occassional meltdown, well, she's tired and wants a do over of the past 6 months. Tomorrow marks 4 months since gramma left us. But we try not to think about it right now.
We miss our friends and love you all.
w00fs, we misses u tooo..
b safe,
ditto on what Lacy said. We hope you find a wunnerful place to live.
gussie n teka
I'm so glad you got the cawd and that you liked it. It's a difficult time fow you and youw Mom now, thank dog you'we thewe to bwighten hew days
smoochie kisses
Your smile picture and the card are great!! Glad you had a great birthday!
Hi, Sunny...
Happy Barkday to you...
Happy Barkday to you...
Happy Barkday, Dear Sunny...
Happy Barkday to you...
Abby xxxooo
We aren't THERE but we are HERE fur all of woo!
We totally miss you guys too, Tanner especially misses his Twinnerer. ALthough they sure do get in a LOT less trouble when kept apart.
Take your time getting back to us its ok we won't forget you!
My sisters and i miss you both VERY much but are glad that you are doing well.
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco The Princess
I agree with Khyra! I am here for you too!
Your card is beautiful!
Kisses and hugs
Happy Birthday! That Asta is always so thoughtful, huh? I hope things get less busy at your house soon.
Happy Birthday Sunny. Awesome card..
Hang in there Mom things will get better..
Big Sloppy kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
What a pretty card! Asta is always so thoughtful!
We hope things even out for your mom soon!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Happy Birthday! I hope it was a great one. Asta was so thoughtful to make you a card, and such a beautiful one!
It hardly seems that it can be 4 months since your gramma left you; doesn't it just seem like a blur? Take care, we are walking this road with you in spirit.
Sunny, sweet Girl!!! Happiest Belated Barkday!!!!! We just got caught up on ur bloggie...we had Bruvver's wedding and Mumsie was in NC last week tryin' to get Sissy motivated to work on her wedding for next year...!!!
We saw you were going to Petey's wedding??? May I be your escort, dear Sunny???????????
What color dress are you going to wear so I know what color flowers to get??? Let me know sweet Girl!!!!
Love and kisses...Stanley
Happy belated Barkday. We didn't realize yours and Deacon's were so close to each other.
Tell your Mom to exhale every now and then. You shouldn't keep the engine running at warp speed all the time.
Dog Speed,
Essex & Deacon
Geez....Happy Belated birthday ta ya Sonny....love yer smile but i tell ya I would stay away from ya when yer doin' it.....just in case....
Hope ya get everythin' packed fer yer move...that's a job we don't envy....
Dewey Dewster here....
Sorry we missed your birthday. Love the picture and card.
Thank you for the birthday wishes, Scooter. To answer your question, YES I'm going with Ruby to the party and YES I'd LOVE to sit with you! It's been forever since we've been together!
Wow, what a scawie but cute smile. Faith does that too!
Solid Gold Momma
My Jeannie went to Aus.
As you know.
And in Australia they have a wonderful saying.
So Sunny and Mama, stop your stressing, we cannot blog all the time, life gets in between, so do men in rather handsome and fetching kilts......
We know you are there, we love you lots, so live your life and forget the stress of blogging!
Always Look On the Bright Side of Life!!
Lotsaluv from Marvin and Jeannie xxxxxxxxxxxx
Ah, happy late birthday.
Love your doggies by the way.
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