mom iz leddin me haf won minit tu post. wooo-thnx for all the time mom....
it is mi sissys birfdayin july on the 8 day- i fink that iz not this day or the next day but the won aftur that. i fink. i do no it iz on 8-8 sez mom. so i am gonna try tu makededed hur a card or sumfink. prolly a cornee dog tu. it wil bee a sirpriz so doan tell hur. mom sez she will put hur pic up on her burfday. ok anok. mom sez godda go. wee iz finererest but mom soo buzy an stil loookin fur owr nu home . she sez thair iz so much changeses all toogevver.
ok anok godda go. all of us shur duz miss owr frenz.
hi 5s
pee ess sunny iz gonna be 8 on 8-8 . hmmm lotseses ov 8s doan u fink?
8's are good!
My Gotcha Day is 8/26 and 2+6=8!
Shhhhhh....we'll keep it khwiet!
Nice to see woo Little Pal!
w00fs Scooter, me wont tell narry a pup, kitty or hammie..me will look back on her barkday fur piksurs of the celebrations...btw, me misses u all..
b safe,
We won't tell. 888 that has to be a sign of aliens or something I think. Glad you guys are doing okay even though you are so busy.
Hi, Scooter...
Nice to hear from you...
I will stop by on Sunny's Barkday to say Happy Barkday...
We miss you...I know you are busy...But we think of you all the time...
Abby xxxooo
8 is a very lucky number!
Huffle Mawson
your secret is safe with me!
Hey, did mom's boo boo get better? Good to see you again. Thanks for the warning. I bet you know who is already setting up her hair stylin for the big day.
Hi, Scooter!
I will keep the secret!
Glad to know you all are doing well!
Kisses and hugs
A surprise. How wonderful!
It's so gweat to see you and heaw fwom you..I've missed you. sowwy about all the stuff youw Mama has to do. don't wowwy, I'll nevew tell Sunny..I think you'we wondewful fow planning a suwpwise fow hew!!!
smoochie kisses
hello scooter its dennis the vizsla dog hay dont wurry my lips ar seeld i cant garantee abowt tuckers lips tho he is a chatterboks!!! ok bye
woo hoo, can't wait for 8! Tanner said he is glad to hear from you, he was getting worried and wondering if your Mom was REALLY mad about all those 'venshurs' you took.
Your secret is safe with us, Scooter! shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Please tell Sunny I said happy 9th birthday!
Scooter you make me laff, even though I don't always understand what you bark!
We have a Soottish White Naked Without Kilt B*m pictured on my blog.
I have no idea in dog, why this should be so important to be posted here, but my J thinks your Ma may appreciate her weird sense of humour.
Hugs and High 8s to youse all.
Plus Happy Belated 4th of July!
lotsalicks, Marv xxxxxxxxxx
That is a special day for Sunny!
Gus and Waldo
Ciao il mio amico!
Awwww, Scooter, you're such a sweet boy to be thinking of your sissie and her birthday. (We love the 'prolly a cornee dog, tu' comment --- giggle!!!) I will keep your birthday surprise a secret, promise!
We hope your mama is doing well these days; we continue to keep you all in our thoughts and prayers!!!
Tanti baci!
Sunny's 8-8-8 birthday is gonig to a dooze, I'll bet!
Guess what, Scooter? My grammy's birthday was 7-7 and Leah's birthday is today 7-9, so there are birthdays happening all over!
w00fs, oooo me lost a sleep. me thot today wuz the day..happy late barkday Sunny...hope u got lots of ear scratchies and belly rubs...and u has many many more...
b safe,
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