Here are two people we know that need a miracle.
Aren't they beautiful people? I heard this song on the radio, and looked up the lyrics. I DO believe in miracles.
"Many nights we prayed
With no proof anyone could hear
In our hearts a hope for a song
We barely understood
Now we are not afraid
Although we know theres much to fear
We were moving mountains
Long before we knew we could,
yesThere can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail
Its hard to kill
Who knows what miracles
You can achieve
When you believe somehow you will
You will when you believe
In this time of fear
When prayer so often seems in vain
Hope seems like the summer bird
Too swiftly flown away
Yet now Im standing here
My hearts so full, I cant explain
Seeking faith and speakin wordsI never thought Id say
There can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail
Its hard to kill
Who knows what miracles
You can achieve
When you believe somehow you will
You will when you believe
They dont always happen when you ask
And its easy to give in to your fears
But when youre blinded by your pain
Cant see the way, get through the rain
A small but still, resilient voice
Says hope is very near,
Oh,There can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail
Its hard to kill
Who knows what miracles
You can achieve
When you believe somehow you will (somehow)
Somehow you will (I know)
You will when you believe
You will when you believe
Just believe"
(A song Whitney Houston sang-do not know who wrote it)
I loved the pic Lulu took of Klaus and her hand intertwined, and though I did not have a dog in mine, I wanted to copy it. Thanks Lulu. I'm glad I took it. As things look more poorly for mom, it is hard to keep believing. But I do. For Klaus and for Anna.

Hugs to all of you, prayers for all who need them, howling to the heavens for a miracle.
I'm bawking my head off and cwossing all my paws..we awe pwaying fow Anna and Klaus..WE DO BELIEVE in miwacles..that was vewy bootiful thank you fow shawing....
love and hopeful smoochie kisses
We believe in miracles too!
We have to have faith.
Our hearts are right there with you!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Please stay strong Jamie. I'm being strong for you & Klaus. I would bark, but i dont know how, so ill mumble lots more and louder than i usually do.
Please keep your head up for me.
Puppy Kisses,
Coco - The Princess
Without faith you have nothing. We know that miracles happen. We continue to send out healing vibes.
stay strong and believe!
paws and wings crossed here for all of you
We are hoping for a miracle in both cases and sending so many vibes!!
The photo is AWESOME... I've gotten so much love I'm sending some of it your way too...
Big Aire Kisses,
Lulu & Bogart
We truly believe in miracles, Miss Jamie! Without a miracle, our dad wouldn't be alive!
We pray ever single day for Klaus and Anna!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We are sending all the vibes we khan khatup and mustard!
Both furamilies are in our thoughts!
Woo have to believe!
Sweet Ms Jamie!
We are howling right along with you. Please take some goobery smoochies from me (and hairy Stanley) to help you believe.
Your photo is very sweet. I'm glad you took it.
Goobery love,
Stella Bean
We DO believe in miracles and we know that Anna and Klaus are both going to be okay! It may take some time, but we can wait since we BELIEVE!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
We believe in miracles, howling to the heavens with you all the way..........
the last two photos are beautiful
Jeannie and Marvin and family xxxxx
We Believe! Thank you for sharing the pictures.
muzzer says..."sometimes our miracles come and we don't recognize them. Believe there is a plan."
We're all pulling for Klaus and Anna!
Holding hands ~~~ what a precious picture.
I believe in miracles, too.
We're howling with you maties and keeping the faith.
Thinking of you all.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
sorry our Smile song made your Mama leak those teary things, it makes my Jeannie cry too. sad licks, Marvin xxxxx
ps I hope things get better for your Mama, and for you soon - way back in time, I have walked many a mile in your shoes with both my parents......
take care, sending you lots of teary Smiles across the ocean.........;0)
Jeannie xxxxxxxxxxxx
sorry I pressed too quickly and blogger posted it twice, I will delete one of the comments I made which was a duplicate..............
That's what we keep telling Lulu - you gotta have hope - the same for you and Gramma. Miracles can and do happen. Hope you see one in your lives.
Woos, the OP Pack
I love the hand pictures! We're sending lots of love to your mom and Bogarts Dad.
Hi, Jamie...
We believe in miracles...
We believe in the power of prayer...
We are praying...
Abby & her Mom xxxooo
Those are lovely photo's. Hold on tight.Hugs and barks.
Eric xxx
Waiting for a miracle...thanks for your thoughtful post.
Oh no...more leaky eyes, we too are praying for Bogie's Dad, and now your Gramma, we hope they get better soon :o)
Thank you for stopping by, we look forward to reading about happy times with you soon and will add you to our followers too!
Slobbers....and crossed paws xx
Pee-ess...Rosie says thanks for vouching for Petey, they're off to Bermuda for a date this weekend!
We know what you mean about not being able to leave comments cuz our humans are busy...I have been by to see you everyday, but no time to leave comment because work interrups my mum. Mum said she is free as far as she knows this weekend. We have been sending zen your way for gamma, we hope she comes home soon.
Sunny and Scooter,
I know you're being super sweet to your Mommy right now. She needs to know that all kinds of love have incredible healing powers. We're praying for Anna and have her surrounded in healing white light.
Thank you for stopping by to say nice things about me to Rosie. She's very special.
Lots of love,
Petey (and Mommy, too)
I believe in miracles for sure!
We believe in miracles. Arooo, hope everyone gets better.
Essex & Deacon
We believe in miracles!! And we are hoping for miracles for your Grandma and for Bogart's daddy too.
Love Clover xo
We believe totally in the power of healing vibes. Plus, its something we never run out of.
I do believe in miracles and I believe in the power of love and hope. So sorry that we have been a while catching up, which means that we only just became aware of your Grandma/Mum's condition. We are holding you very much in our hearts, our love, thoughts and prayers are with you, if you need anything just holler, we are here for you,
Ben xxxx
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