Also, Mom has been very absent minded, so over the weekend, I had to remind her of some important things.
Uh, Mom, remember when you ran out of this last time?

And you made us this? Well, mom, we don't have any of our food and when I looked, you just had some spaghettios and some bread....

What? It's empty? Your wallet is empty? OK. Here's your checkbook.

And, to help out, here's some cash from my piggy bank. I have heard all about the economy, so let me help you out.

Here you go. You have to remember my leash!!

Oh yeah. Here's your phone. In case the hospital calls you'll have it.

All in a day's work for a service dog!
(See my hair? The top is pulled back with a rubber band. And I am just about a corded poodle now. This is what happens to my hair when about 6 weeks goes by without a brush, comb, scissors or clippers touches me.)
ps Jamie here. I am thinking of starting a seperate blog just so I can blow off my feelings about this horrible situation with mom somewhere. If I do, I'll post it and anyone who wants to read about it, can. Love to all of you.
Sunny: You still look beautiful to us. We are sorry to hear that your gramma is not doing better. It is clear that you are doing a great job taking care of your mom. You keep up the good work and we will keep up the prayers
gussie n teka
Great job Sunny!
BUT, do woo think she'll khatch on?
I know how dense hoooomans khan be sometimes!
Hugz&Khysses to you to pass on to your mom to pass on to your gramma!
Hi, Sunny, Scooter, & Jamie...
You are still in our thoughts & prayers...
It's a good thing your Mom has you guys to keep her from forgetting things...
My Mom kind of went thru something like this almost 2 years ago & she understands the whole absent minded thing...
Jamie: Maybe that Blog would be a good idea for you to just be able to vent...It helps...
Abby & her Mom xxxooo
w00f's Pups and jamie, another bloggie sounds pawsome...but dont feel u need to cause of us...we r very much concerned about how g-ma is...heehee and Sunny me nos what u mean about absentmindedness...mama has a lot of that...we wuz very worried cause u hadnt updated in a long time..we glad she is still with us..
b safe,
Hi Sunny,
What a great helper you are!! I am so sorry to hear Gramma is not any better. Still sending positive vibes.
Please tell your mom that my mom and I don't mind at all reading about her thoughts right on this blog - I don't think she needs to start a whole new blog, unless she really wants to.
We are here for you!!
Love Clover xo
Thank goodness you're around! Dogs can make all the difference sometimes, so don't give up. We're all thinking of you and your family.
tell your Mum to take care of herself.
even when things are bad, she must look after herself, oh and buy you some food too!!!!!!!!
My Jeannie currently has about twelve blogs on the go, so your Ma has a way to go, but one thing she tells me, Blogs are excellent for letting off steam!
Healing vibes and good wishes to your Gram.
Thinking of youse all.
from Scotland xxxxxx
hey, Jamie, a private blog is good too!
Most of mine are but they sure serve a good purpose when I am stressed!
take care, much love, Jeannie xxxx
Thank dog fow you and scooter
We awe still pwaying hawd fow youw Gwama and youw mommi , who is going thwough all this awfullness...she is taking the bwunt of evewything, so give hew lots of extwa love.
Sunny you awe the best helpew evew
love and smoochie kisses
Sunny, How clever and thoughtful you are (you made me laugh too!) Kkeep taking good care of your Mom and I'm still barking for your Grandma to get better soon. Wiry wags, Eric xx
I am so glad you don't have a foo foo hair cut. I like your natural look. You are such a big help to your mom so she doesn't have to remember all those little things herself.
Tell your mom its OK to blow off steam on your bloggy. She's part of our dog family!
Looks like life is getting in the way of life - sorry to hear that Gramma is still not doing well. Still praying for her. Hope woo did get Mom to replenish the pantry.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Sunny, you are doing a great job!
Gus dtold us about your Gramma being sick so we wanted to come over and try to send get well vibes through y'all. We will put Gramma ion our list when we howl to DOG in the sky tonight. We wish you all the best and our thoughts are with you.
- Homer J. Jubal. J.E.B., Sophie, Shelby Belle, Jack, Abby, Max, Shiloh, Alex, Boru and Jenny = The Bumpass Hounds
Hi, friends!
It makes me feel sad that your grandma is not doing better!
I still have my paws crossed for her.
Sunny, I know you are doing a great job cheering your mom up and reminding her about important things!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
You are one harding working pup. Your mom is lucky to have you to watch out for all. We could use you in our house.
Sunny Girl!
You are doing a FABulous job, and it's an added bonus to see so many juicy schnoz photos of you! Sorry to hear your grandma is not doing much better. We're still sending healing goober smooches her way!
Please smooch on your mama for us. She deserves it! Keep us posted as you can!
Goober love & smooches,
What would your mom ever do without all of your help, Sunny!
We're still AireZenning like crazy for your gramma!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We're sorry your Gramma still isn't doing well! Our paws are still crossed, for her! We hope you get your food soon...we don't want you wasting away to nothing. You do still look cute, though, even if your furs aren't being brushed or groomed!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
You poochies are great to help your mom remember all the little details. And to give her a fiver? You guys ROCK!
hello sunny its dennis the vizsla dog hay yore mama is lucky she has yoo to tayk care of her in this diffikult time keep up the gud wurk ok???? ok bye
hey just seen you guys comment on my blog about the awards.
You are very welcome to award yourself my award! In fact I would be honoured if you do so!
also, Jeannie says to tell your Ma, next time it is raining men, handsome ones only, her way, she will send some over to your Mum.
After all, there are only so many men, she can deal with, at her age!!
lotsalicks, Marvin xxxxxxxxx
You are so helpful!!! Your Mom is lucky to have you.
Hugs to all of you!!!
PS: Jamie, Mom says if you do the other blog to be sure to send her the link.
you are such a great helper dog, and we love the pony tail!
keep up the good work and give your grammie chihuahua hugs from us.
Rambo & MM
We are still sending healing vibes for your Gram SUnny and Scooter. You are so very helpful Sunny, I know your Mom appreciates it immensely.
Sunny, you are the best helper. Thank goodness you're there for your mum.
We hope the situation improves for your grandma. We have our paws still crossed for her.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy xxxx
We must have been asleep not to bark back.
Thanks for the comment on that old post. Yes, the roller coaster ride is not fun. Our Dad is in the nursing home and it is frustrating. Siblings are driving Dad nuts. They are close to alienating him. While, he appreciates their situation, the distance makes support difficult.
Keep you perspective, decompress by doing things like walk the dog (that helped both post Hurricane Wilma and Grand-Maw's crossing the rainbow bridge). Don't forget to exhale and it is okay to say I can't do everything.
The great thing about a dog is that you really need to screw up for us not to like you.
Take care and if you want to vent bark, feel free to send it our way. Sometimes strangers are easier than families.
Essex, Deacon & Dog Dad
Sunny, you're a good Service Dog. It's nice of you to remind your Momma & help her out too. Still sorry to hear that your Grandma's not doing so great. We're hoping for the best.
Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer
Mommi should be home in the aftewnoon tomowwow..I hope you'we taking good cawe of auntie Jamie..I'm suwe you awe..make suwe you take cawe of youwself and Scootew too..and I'm still sending healing smoochie kisses and pwayews fow youw Gwama
Sunny, you're a real good help for your Mum right now. Everydog is thinking of you all right now.
Sounds like your mom needs all your help. I'm so glad you're such a helpful dawg. Hope your grandma gets better soon!
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