Here is a picture of my Mom, Anna. The vent weaning is not going so well. I imagine y'all must be tired of me asking, but one more time, I ask for all the prayers, zen,vibes,purrs-just whatever. I know y'all have been doing just that, thank you. I still believe in the power of numbers and in miracles. I have been praying for one more. Mom has to get off the vent, or...well,I don't want to write it. I have to remain positive.
Thanks for all of you hanging with me. This has become an outlet for one of my most difficult times so far.
Hugs to all of you and thanks for keeping Mom in your thoughts and prayers.
Much love
We'll keep 'em khrossed until we get the memo!
Tank woo fur sharing such a nice pikh!
w00f's, ur mom iz still in our prayers..."power of the paw"...shes a bute ti ful lady...
b safe,
such a nice mom. we are revving up our power of the Bs for extra special healing for your mom.
The circle of healing vibes is going at this moment with your mom at the beginning.
Such a nice Mom! We'll keep praying... keep us posted!!!
Josh and Jessie
I am snuggling something strong & Mommy is praying too!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
We saw the photo first and our hearts just lurched ... we are sorry that this is such a difficult time for you. Be strong, hang tough, give your mom lots of hands-on love ...
We are in the circle too.
gussie n teka and muzzer
add us to the circle - paws, claws and wings crossed too!
stay strong
Hi, Jamie...
Still praying for you...
Take care...
Abby & her Mom xxxooo
What a lovely photo. Add me n Mom into the circle too. Take care.
Eric x0x
the photo of your Mum was so cheery.
sorry things are not so great.
As you always know, our fingers, paws, toes and all extremities are crossed for you.
lotsaluv, Jeannie and Marvin xxxxx
That is the loveliest picture..we are praying and thinking of you non-stop..stay strong and positive..we are all with you in our hearts
Ami ,George, and Asta
Praying hard for your beautiful Mom. We really hope that you get some good news soon.
Sending lots of puggy hugs and kisses.
Love Clover xo and Mom
Gee, we hadn't stopped yet. Were we suppose to.
Essex & Deacon
Oh dear, it is so hard to know what to do and frustrating to watch your struggles. My Mango vibes are continuing your way.
P.S. If you get a chance to visit my bloggy, I am hosting my own doggie show. It would be nice to have a poodle without a foo foo haircut in the non-sporting group (oh yeah, and Scooter would round out the Toy group nicely).
Your grandma is very beautiful, Sunny and Scooter. I keep sending my positive vibes and prayers to help Gradma weaning off the vent successfully!
Hugs and kisses!
We are still sending all of that and more - sorry things aren't going as well as you would have hoped, but don't give up - we are praying for the best for all of you.
Woos, the OP Pack
She is in our thoughts and prayers!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
WE ARE VIBING!!! All in caps even!!
mommy just sent you an email. mommy & i pray for you & your mommy day and night.
Puppy Kisses
Coco - the Princess
I left an award for you on my page! Thank you for being my friend!
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco - The Princess
AireZen & prayers and goob smooches are all coming your way! Thanks for putting a face on your mama for us, Ms. Jamie! She looks like she's a lot of fun!
Goober love & more smooches,
Pee Ess
Love to the pups too!
What a pretty lady your mom is, Miss Jamie! More AireZen is coming your way!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I gots my Angel Ears on for your mum and lots of paw prayers
Still keeping your mom in our thoughts and prayers.
Our tails will still be wagging for her!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Jamie, we know what a tough time this is, for you! We'll keep sending Aire-zen, Aire-vibes, prayers and crossed paws until we know your mom will be fine! Hang in there!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Mom is still in our thoughts and prayers.
Rambo, MM & G-Mom
We're also in the circle, Jamie, Scooter and sweet sweet Sunny...(this is Babystan...or um Stannybaby...)
Sweet Sunny...I am holding your paw wishin' on the stars in the sky that your Grandma gets well...we're all usin' our powerful terrier zen...we love you guys...paw slaps to Scooterdude and slobbery kisses to ur mom!!
That was at my house! Love you mom.
I hope all is well! Let us know, you all are still in our prayers.
Hope you have a happy Valentine's Day.
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