ok anok. hay LOOK!! i did git sum friez!! so did sunny. i sededed tu mom. pleez takez a picshur of those friez so i kin show mi frenz that i reely did git sum! ok anok. an so she did. purdy aren't they? i do luf them. neerly az much az cornee dogz.
ok anok.

Heer iz a picshur ov that coat mom did git. See the problum? ok anok. it iz just that i am such a buff dude that mom kin not find one tu fitz my manly chest!
Purdee impre, uh,mprez, uh, purdee studlee chest, hu??
ok anok. an mi neck iz purdee big tu, so ack-doan choke me mom!
mom did make sum redd arrowz tu sho eferbudy that i iz not fat. that part for my tummy does fitz jus grate. ok anok. so i got sum 6 pak abs goin on. whutefer that meenz mom. pleez let me rite wifowt helpin me, k? geeeeez.
ok anok.
heer iz anover won that duz show arrowz agin.(mom jus did find that thing tu du that wif. an thay say i iz not so smarterer..hmmmm) ok anok
wonce agin, heer is mi chest abowt tu bustez owt ov that jacket like that hulk dude. an also mom did tri to rite whut i waz finkin in that liddol whit spot. it says-bruvver. plees leef me alone. least i fink it duz. maybe u kin do that bigering fing to it an read it, i dunno. ok anok.
i hope we duz start bein abel tu visit mor. mom iz in an owt, in an owt. makez a studly dude dizzee!!
A shout out to Bogie. hay dude. rite now it confusin. i no how u duz feel. an when ur mom leekz on ya, those salty wet fings r called teerz. i haf lerneded sum stuf bowt thoz teerz.. sumtimz thay make ur mom feel bedderer. sometimez they do not. but u bein ther while she leekz alwaz makez hur feel bedderer . we wil keep howlin to heven fur ur daddee an our gramma an hooefer elz needz us.
ok anok. eferybudee haf a grat day. we iz gonna wurk on findin fings to smil an laff abowt this day. you guyz, owr frenz, r the first fing! now we r gonna go lookin fur som mor.
Hi 5s
Scooterer...we hope you and Sunny and your mom get some quality time together today. Thanks for the update
pee ess...I sympathize with the coat thing. I am substantial too!
Hi, Scooterer...
It's sooo good to hear from you...
I love your coat...Even if it doesn't fit just right...
Take care of your Mom...
Me & my Mom are sending lots of Good Vibes your way...
Abby xxxooo
Gosh, your mom just can't see what a totally pumped up little guy you are. Must be all those french fries!
Hi, Scooter!
I know you are doing a great job cheering your mom up!
I like your coat. Maybe your mom can add and extension so it will fit you better!
You had yummy fries!
Paws crossed for you Grandma and Bogart's Dad!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Well we think you look fabulous in your coat!! Paws crossed still for everyone..How about those ICU nurses!! Aren't we just the nuts!!!!Love and a squillion kisses A+A
I think woo should khut bakhk on the Mikhky D's stuff...then woo would fit in your khoat!
My mom and I still khrossing things fur your gramma AND Bogart's peeps too!
I hope woo had fun with your mom today and gave her LOTS of khysses and stuff!
You look great in your coat!
We´re keeping paws and fingers crossed for your Grandma and Bogart´s Dad!
Your fries looks delicious!
I totally want a fry.
Love & Big Aire Kisses to your grandma...
We love your coat, Scooter! Maybe you need to ask Jackson if you can be an honorary member of the Substantial Wires Club!
We're still crossin' our paws for your Gramma and for Bogie's dad too!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
No, woo is not fat at all, just broad-chested and strong. We think woo are a handsome dude.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
hello scooter its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow beefkayk!!!! yoo must wurk owt like evry day ok bye
I've heard it said that laughter is good medicine, so thank you for the laughing medicine you gave me today.
Those fries look like they might be as good as corn dogs!
And you look amazing in your coat, Scooter!
Scooter you are seriously one TOUGH dude for sure. Tanner sure misses you and wants to go on some adventures, you can wear your cool coat. Tanner said he is not fat either, he is also buff. RIGHT.
We are still thinking of your gram.
Tell grandma to get well soon. You are right we are just down 35 south to the next exit.. We live in Fairview West..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Sunny??? Did you and Scooter get our very belated Valentines??? Sorry we haven't been around so much...Mumsie's been busy and preoccupied with issues here...she said to tell ya she can't really talk about it on the phone now, but she'll email ya before too long, OK?
We're still prayin' for your Grandma and now Bogie's Dad...lotsa zen flyin' thru the airwaves these days, huh??!!!
Love ya lots sweet Sunny...hope ya got our snail mail cards!!!!!
Love and Kisses...
Hi Scooter, I think that's a nice coat. And fries! Yummy yummy!
Keeping your grandma in our thoughts and prayers.
Aw, Scootoober! You do this goober proud! I love reading your shout out to Bogart & his dad. You're a very patient, BUFF dude, and I wouldn't be surprised if your mama was laughing all day long, man.
Be sure to know we're praying for your grandma. Keep us posted as you can.
Now if you haven't gone there yet, go to Tanner's blog. He just posted his Tanner Tuesday post & it's stinkin' funny.
Goober love,
Thats one great jacket! Too bad it doesn't fit over your rippling muscles! BOL! We is so sorry we haven't been around! We missed y'all! Also I put your Grandma on the goodvibes list, & Mommy has been praying for her! I've been snuggling as well!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
ok, anok. I need some time to get this translated! ;0)))))))))))))))
But H5s to you anyways.
Or High Paws!
Glad you are back, and hope your Ma is not in an owt too much!!!!!
She must be doing the old dance "the Hokey Cokey"........you may have to ask my Jeannie about the Hokey Cokey, she does it sometimes when she has had some BIG GLASSES.
Marvin xxxxxx
That coat is the pip. We can see that 6 pack you have going. You will have to work a little harder to get rid of the fries, but so worth it.
Healing vibes continue to go out to your grandma.
I love friess!!!! I don't think the people that made that coat knew what they were doing. I think they made it wrong and that's why it doesn't fit you right.
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