ok anok. Heer is whut i finkses of alll this colderest wever.

ok &ok see that crazee dawg shamus?? he duz likeses this colderest stuff. I fink he mus be crazeerest.
i jus runs owt when i has to an thos sillee pooodelses playses like colderst iz sum kinda fun or sumfink. i iz the smarterest wun. I duz keepses tellin efereewun bowt that. Brrrrrrrrrrr ok anok i fink they is bof crazee. i godda go acuz i needses tu git unner mi blankees. ok anok. sunnee kin telses u y mom is nutierer van wun of vos froot kakeses. seroslee u guyses. i fink i is smarterest ov efereewun heer!!

Sunny here. Tomorrow is Mom's big splurgery day and she is a wreck. The woman is such a nervous nellie. She is having a big oral splurgery and is scared to death. So I figured I'd go ahead and post for her, since she hasn't fired up the puter since the 1st day of the new year. Good secretaries are hard to find!
The snow is from our 7 inches at Christmas(it has snowed 3 times from Dec 1 to Dec 31, 09! eeek) Our frigid weather now has been dry, thank dog mom says as when it rains, or snow melts the yard becomes a big mud patch!
Shamus loves his "jolly ball" but Scooter shows what he thinks of all this cold weather! Uh, Shamus, did you know he was liftin on your ball??
It has been cold,cold,cold here and Scooter&Mom hate the cold. I will admit with windchills in the single digits, even Shamus and I aren't that keen on hanging out in the yard.
Above are some snow pics. And this is Texas, dang it!(I can't move these pics around to where I want them to be... So they are all at the top.)
Mom says if you are the praying sort, to pray she does not have a heart attack from her nerves before they even get started on her. (Uh, Mom.....you are a big ol chicken. You DO realize that, right?)
Jody, our human sissy is coming over tonight to stay with us and take Mom to the oral splurgeon. (They do not allow folks to take a cab.) I am hoping Jody can ratchet her craziness factor down a little. Thank Dog for Jody!
Jamie here,
We are sorry we haven't been visiting y'all. Hopefully we will do better after, gulp, the splugery. GULP.....
Sunny,Scooter,Shamus and chicken Jamie
We are with the poodles, we just love the cold and snow. Good luck to Mom with the surgery - Mom doesn't like anything to do with the dentist either.
Stay warm.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
I like the Ball Hike statement. I'm in complete agreement.
Here in Ohio we will have 2 more days of snow in the air. That will total 17 in a row. The old record was 13 days back in 1893.
Hope your mom's splurgery goes well. I'm sure you will all tend to her when she gets home.
Tell your Mom we hope the splurgery goes OK an OK! And tell Scooter that Teka is wearing her sweater AND her coat when she goes outside. She doesn't want to take the sweater off to sleep, but muzzer makes her take it off before she can get under the covers. I hope we wash the d#$n thing soon.
Good luck to your mom with the splurgery!
Good luck to your mom with the splurgery! I'm sure it will go fine. Maybe you should offer to let her eat some of your Milkbones. Those are supposed to keep our teeth sparkly clean and healthy, so it should work for people, too!
Good luck to your mom with the splurgery! I'm sure it will go fine. Maybe you should offer to let her eat some of your Milkbones. Those are supposed to keep our teeth sparkly clean and healthy, so it should work for people, too!
Hmmmm, now that I've diskhovered football, maybe I should look into one of those jollyball thingies!
Khome on Skhoooooooterer - it is PAWESOME out there!
Paws khrossed fur your mom!
We will send our good thoughts to your mom for her surgery. Tell her to keep her mouth shut afterwards because cold air can make your dentals really hurt.
I hope you all are staying warm enough. Running about does help.
Sure I hope everything goes well with your mom's splugery!
With that cold weather... I'd prefer to stay inside... warm and comfy!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
First off Lilly says you look "gorgeous" in your sweater Scooter. She wanted me to ask you if you would like her to get one just like it, so that way you two could "match".
We will def say a prayer for mom with her splurgery. We just know everything will go fine !
We are thinking of your mom! We hope her splurgery went well and she heals quickly!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Sending lots of love, good thoughts and warm wishes for your surgery. We'll be thinking of you. Take care and try not to worry too much - you are in good hands!
w00fs, hopes ur mama surgery goes pawsomely..me and mama will keep in our thoughts and prayers...and scooter u does look very cold..
b safe,
That cold stuff is nasty and evil! This time I agree with you Scooter. We are sending lots of healing vibes to your Mom and hope everything went well.
Wishing your Mama well with her surgery.
Jeannie says to wish her many upended Kilts.
I have no idea in heaven what she is barking about. But hope it cheers your Mama up anyway.
We have had so much snow here in Scotland, it has been officially delcared to be the worst winter for 30 years.
Ten inches or more fell before Christmas, and we have had more each day, and minus 10 deg C, most days.
fed up with it all now.
lots of healing licks, and many Kilts of Handsome Men to your Mama
love from Marvin xxxxxxxxxxx
oh and Jeannie xxxxxxxxxx
Will be thinking of your mom.
Praying it all went well and your mom is feeling good again!
Scooter, you look really warm with your turtleneck turned up. We're used to the snow in Illinois, but I still don't like it.
OMD! We hope Jamie's splurgery went well! Our mom had some dental implants put in and had this crazy idea that she could go to work the next day. Wrong! She woke up thinking she had a golf ball under her tongue! Hope your surgery was easier!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
By now the surgery is over and we trust all is well. Hopefully that snow melted.
Hey there, Jamie
I'm just popping by to say that I hope your surgery went well. Please look after yourself and get strong again. We did get that card off to you - hope it eventually got there and that James had a happy Christmas too.
Luv C
We hope that your Mom's splurgery went well. We are trying to catch up as we are behind blog reading. Hopefully the weather is warmer for you.
We loved the cool weathers, but Collies have good fur coats to wear too.
Dog Speed,
Essex & Deacon
Gee guys....yer weather looks paws-a-tively frightenin'.....snow 'n cold 'n winter weather....yuck...hope yer Mom's surgery went well....
Dewey Dewster here....
How is your mom holding up?
Jaime, how are ya??
b safe,
Hey guys! Mom has helped us with TWO blog entries! We hope you are okay and your mom is okay. We know you don't FB so we wanted to tell you that we think we are back to blogging. Hope you can come by and that everyone is okay. We have missed you guys!
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
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