Yep. 200th post and it is being done on the dinasaur puter. Just does not seem fittin. TheGeeks on Wheels made a right mess of things so the good puter is at the Best Buy Geeks. Where alot of our pics are too..
News updates are that Sunny was finally spayed 2weeks ago and acted like it was nuthin. I have been kinda scared to do it after the ginormous surgry she had to have when she had gastric torsion 6 years ago, but all went fine. She sulked because she could not play with Shamus for a week.
Today Scooter had several teeth pulled and those left cleaned. He hasn't felt great, but hopefully this will do the trick. He says he had a very nice time on his visit to Miss Lily. He keeps raving about her cooking, but was not crazy about her beverage of choice "ta kill ya". For some reason he has been looking at his map again. Guess he'll tll me what that is about when he gets good and ready.
Shamus is such a brat and Sunny lets him get away with murder! i keep telling her to bite the sucker. Teach him some manners! It will all get sorted out I reckon.
We are keeping our dear friend Claudette in our prayers. She and I talked the other night and we are going to keep her thinking POSITIVE!!
Time to shut the dinasaur down before it does it for me. They say this time by the 4th the new putr will be ready. I hope so.
Hugs to all,
Jamie and the kids
OH MY...we are first?
Our best wishes to Sunny and Scooter both on a full recovery, and to Shamus on learning to let Sunny have her way. Hope the 'puter gets better too
Khongrats on #200!
Tank woo fur the pup pup pup updates!
We've been thinking of Rokhky's Mama -
Here's to lots more postings!
Congratulations on your 200th post!
Looking forward to many more pawsome posts from you!!
I'll be as old as the dinosaurs by my 200th post!
Sounds like you all have had a few trips to the vet, I hope there were treats a-plenty for everyone!!!!!!!!!
Happy 200th post buddies - and hopefully many more :)
Thanks for being our pals !
congrats....200 wow!!!
here's looking forward to the next 200 posts
Congrats on the 200th post!
I sure hope Scooter didn't have to have his teeth pulled because of Lilly's Super Sticky Toffe Pudding!
Happy 200th!
Wow! 200 posts!! That is awesome! I just found you guys off of Sushine and Mud Puddles blog! You two are adorable! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Keep posting! I'll keep reading!
Wow! 200 posts, we are in Awe.
Well we are in Scotland with many Men In Kilts, not actually in Awe.
Although my J is in Awe......at kilts.
sorry I am digressing, there.
Congrats on your wondrous amounts of posts, I am not sure how many posts I have made now, but I am a dog, so I cannot count!
We have been absent from the dog blogs for various reasons, and only just caught up with Claudette's news via DWB News, so just popped over there to leave encouraging wishes and get well barks.
We will never forget your friendship, we have been very bad friends just lately, but real life kinda took over here for a bit.
lotsaluv, and many Licks, Marvin xxxxxxxxxxx
oh and Jeannie xxxxxxxxxxxx
of course!!
Congwatulations on such a pawsome achievement..wif wotten equipment to boot!
Scootew, that ta kill ya might ackshually help aftew youw suwgeawy..in case that doesn't do it..I'm sending smoochie kisses
200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 !!!
Way to go!!!!!!!!
We are keeping Claudette in our prayers....we know you helped her already!!
Kisses to all...and Scooter...dunno when we'll need the plane...gotta ask Mango!!
I am not deterred by gals who have had their zipper surgery. I am still very interested (much to momma's dismay).
Congrats on #200 and glad to hear the spay and the dental work went well. Hope the 'puter comes back in good shape too.
Woos, the OP Pack
Congrats on the 200th post.....we may never achieve that milestone....not with the old one hoggin' the puter......hope yers is back and all healed....
Best wishes ta Sunny and Scooter on their surgeries.....I can tell ya it is probably better ta be asleep when yer teeth are cleaned cause Gram got out 'er scraper and cleaned ours while we were awake....not fair I say...no siree !!!
Dewey Dewster here....
Well, hopefully you will all be well by Christmas, especially YOU, Scooter, so you can eat the Christmas cookies!
Cool, 200 posts. That is awesome pals. Glad all went well with Sunny. Dont worry Seamus aint going anywhere. You'll be able to play together real soon.
Scooter, hope your mouthie is feeling ok.
We have our paws crossed here for Claudette.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
we're glad that you are talking to Claudette and keeping her cheerful. we are all keeping our paws crossed and positive thoughts are beaming from our brains.
glad to hear that Sunny's spaying went smoothly. is Shamus neutralized yet? we all got it at an early age. no biggie.
happy 200th!! I can't wait to hear about Scooters VENSHUR. oh geez. I hope that the teeth pulling helps!
Tanner says he is thinking up a VENSHUR for them soon, I want NO part of it.
happy 200th. We are waiting for a visit from scooter. When do you think he might be coming?
Happy 200 posts guys!
Our paws are crossed for Sunny and Scooter. We hope they're back to 100% in no time at all!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
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