Look at those ears! Maybe you should call him Dumbo, Mom! heh Since "pup" plays pretty rough, Scooter is in a pen so he doesn't get knocked into next week by "pup's" paw. He is quite clumsy still.

He was born 7/17/09 and has been here one week. He never slows down it seems! Mom says since it has been 8 years since she had a puppy, she had forgotten how labor intensive they are. Ha,ha Mom. Serves you right for bringing in another dog....except he is fun for me, I have to admit. (He is a Standard poodle like me. Guess y'all knew that already...)

Scooter is not amused. He is busy talking to his twin.....I guess.

Blogger is being real slow loading pics today, so my great digging work and how mom ruined it will be put on the next post. Geez, I have been working on it for ages too. Oh well. Y'all have a great day, I think I'll go play with my new brother.
He was born 7/17/09 and has been here one week. He never slows down it seems! Mom says since it has been 8 years since she had a puppy, she had forgotten how labor intensive they are. Ha,ha Mom. Serves you right for bringing in another dog....except he is fun for me, I have to admit. (He is a Standard poodle like me. Guess y'all knew that already...)
Scooter is not amused. He is busy talking to his twin.....I guess.
Blogger is being real slow loading pics today, so my great digging work and how mom ruined it will be put on the next post. Geez, I have been working on it for ages too. Oh well. Y'all have a great day, I think I'll go play with my new brother.
He's khwite handsome!
I'm sure woo will get on just grrrrreat!
PeeEssWoo: Lighten up Skhooter! He'll be FUN!
We wondered if he was a new member of the family - he is quite handsome, isn't he? And he looks like he will be a big boy too. All the best and we can't wait to hear his name.
Woos, the OP Pack
He is very handsome, and muzzer is still calling him Beau (short for Beauregard) She says that is a good southrin name.
Well Pup is adorable! Good luck!
I knew it, I just knew it
Lucky you to have a new bwuvvew who is not only handsome but a gweat playmate!!!!
I'm thwilled fow you..youw Mom will get used to him, hehehe but I'm wowwied about my little Scootew..not faiw that he has to be in jail just so he doesn't get knocked ovew.
I hope his Twinnew comes to the wescoo..unfowtoonately it's going to be hawd getting to him cause his pawents awe in nevewlands. Did you see how gweat the two of them looked in NY?
smoochie kisses
Scooter looks majorly peeved!
Have fun with the new one!
OMD, Sunny!!! Another brother??? You're life is about to change...you are now officially...
It's a hooge reponsibility, but with you bein' a female and all, not one that you can't handle easily with a mere showing of your lovely white toofers...
Have ya named him yet? How big is he gonna get? Yeah, Mumsie did 3 puppies in two years...she's still recovering, though Scruffy was like five puppies by himself...
She spent more time wipin' pee of the floor courtesy of the Scruffman...he'd go in one spot, she'd be cleanin' it and he'd go in another...that was when he was a single dog...without me to train him....
Oh, do let us know how it's going...you will never be bored again, Sunny!!!
Kisses to all especially to Nameless...does he date yet?
Pee ess...is his name gonna start with an S?
How bout Snooter...sorta half of Sunny and Scooter???? HAHAHAHAHA!
Dear Nameless,
When ya get a little bigger, would you like to go to the movies or something???
Flirty kisses,
Woo! That is VERY exciting! Take it from me - having a kid brother to play with is the BEST!
PS: Might I recommend the name "Tex"?
What a handsome big brother! Cant wait to find out his name...Maybe Luna, since he's the opposite of Sunny?
It's funny, Mom knew my name was Petey even before she was 100% sure she was taking me home. Said I just looked like a Petey.
Your pal,
Congratulations on your new brother, Sunny! Scooter doesn't seem to be liking this change just yet! We hope he accepts it soon!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh congrats on the new brother. Poor scooter locked in the pen though.
Nothing better than a new playmate. Scooter looks like he is in a daze over all this newness.
Hi, Sunny!
Nice to meet your new brother!
I am sure you have lots of fun with him!
Let us know what his name will be, ok?
Kisses and hugs
Very very very exciting!!!!!!
He looks like he will be a lot of fun!!!
Have fun with your new brother! In the meantime, Scooter appears to be considering his next move very very carefully ...
Congrats on the new furry sibling! What a cutie!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
That is one big puppy. You let him know who is boss dog, OK?
Hi there to my three new furends. I am glad that you came to my blog and that you are going to write your ADOPTION stories for posting on Thanksgiving. I can't wait to read your stories.
Your mom wrecked your hole in progress.... Heck, I thought that only happened to ME. I feel better knowing there are others out there. hehehe
oh my he is so beauteous!
I love him!!!!!!
Send him over here...........for a hug!
Jeannie xxxxxxxxxx
He looks like he's going to be great fun, no matter what you call him! Scooter, I'm sorry, you look quite put out!
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