Ahem. Most of you were right. That hunk is BabyStan, who I will be referring to as StannyBaby. Our first date was on New Year's Eve in the Big Apple. Here are the 2 pictures that Asta took. It was quite a night.
(StannyBaby and I on the far right)

You will notice in the second picture,(StannyBaby & myself on the far left), that while fireworks are going off in the sky, we only have eyes for each other..... He does have gorgeous eyes. *sigh* He brought me a lovely corsage too. A comment on my blog from him: "Sunny...would it be ok if I sent you a corsage to wear tonight? I was thinkin' white roses to match ur bootiful curly fur....??????Let me know if that's ok...Airekisses...Stanley
December 31, 2008 8:54 AM" How thoughtful and romantic.
We also got to spend time together when I went up to help nurse Lacie's lips. He was a pawfect gentleman. I hope he will be coming down to Texas to spend some time with me, since Mom is gone so much. To hold my paw while we get through this. If you are reading this Stanny, let me know if and when you will arrive.
Mom says we are going to try to comment on all our friends' blogs. But she says we are so behind, we will have to start with today's and on instead of commenting on all the past entries. K? Also she says we had been given some lovely awards and she appreciates them so much, but now her feeble brain does not remember which ones or who :( She's so sorry.
HUGS to all of you
Sunny Sunny Sunny
Please tell your mommy mommy mommy
NOT TO WORRY about khatching up!
She needs to direkht all her energies to her mommy mommy mommy
AND you and Skhooter Skhooter Skhooter!
PeeEssWoo: Khongrats on the dreamboat date!
w00f's Pups, Stannybaby izz a very handsome pup, me hopes u will b very happy...and dont worry bout catching up, heehee me and mama izz way behind too...me iz sooo happy ur g-ma iz feeling sum better, its "the power of the paw"...
b safe,
Sunny sweet Bootiful giwlie, and my dawling fwiend scootew
It's so vewy nice to heaw fwom you ..I will continoo to cwoss my paws and pway fow youw Gwama..I'm so happy she's a little bettew..make suwe you take weally good cawe of youw Mom..she must be exhausted fwom all this and I know you can help. I can't believe you wewen't on my bloggie list..I'm so sowwy..I lost so uch of my stuff, and I keep still twying to catch up..you awe vewy special gweat fwienz fowevew, so it wasn't on puwpose.
love you
smoochie kisses to all thwee of you
Asta and mommi
Pee ess thanks fow all youw concewn ovew Daddi and fow the happy dance
OMD...oh dear...Stanley er Stannybaby wrote to ya several days ago...left a comment on ur bloggie...and he MUST HAVE SCREWED UP THE WORD VERIFICATION...cuz I went back and the comment wasn't there...oh my, Sunny...the problem is is he left 2 days ago for Texas...and he doesn't have a phone...I'm thinkin' he flew commercial and um gulp...might still be at the airport? Ya better get to the closest airport and pick him up...hopefully he hasn't been hangin' out at the bar...could get ugleeeeee.....
He said he was comin' to hold ur paw and help ya bear the load of your grandma's illness...silly dog...he probably typed the wrong thing...
Can ya let me know if you find him??
Call my cell....Laciegirl!
Pee ess...ur flirtin' skills are fantabulous...I KNOW I wrote a comment...I know it...wonder how many other commets we lost to cyberspace...GRRRRRRR!!!
Sorry sweet Sunny...we've sooooo been thinkin' of ya, truly we have!!!!
Sunny...hope you find Stanley B., don't forget to look under the barstools
pee ess we are soooo glad your mommy's mommy is better, even just a bit.
Hi, Sunny!
Glad to hear your Grandma is doing a little better. I hope she fully recovers soon!
Sure is nice to have your mom at home. Tell her to rest as much as she can, ok?
You and StannyBaby make a beautiful couple!
Kisses and hugs
Sunny, we are glad you finally found a boyfriend!! You totally deserve a good dog.
Tanner wants to tell Scooter he is feeling ok even tho they stuck a needle in his face. We are glad we don't have to go in for surgery just yet, we just hope it goes away!
Did you guys get a chance to see the great adventure Tanner took Scooter on here in AZ?
Pee S. we are SO Glad your Gramma is doing better!!
Sunny Girl!
We are STINKIN' excited that your grandma is feeling better and that your mama can relax some. We'll keep the healing goober smooches coming your way!
StannyBabe is a good boy. You'll find him soon, I'm sure. Keep us posted on your adventures together. Glad you have yourself a good Dale to walk through all of this with you!
Goober love & smooches,
We know StannyBaby will make you feel lots better, once you find him!
We're still sending Aire-zen for your Grandma and crossing our paws, but we sure are glad she's feeling a little better! HOPE is everything!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
G'day Sunny
We're so glad to hear that your grandma is feeling better. We're going to keep our paws crossed for her until she is 100%.
Tell your mum not to stress about being behind on blogging. It happens to us all.
Good news about G-ma and mom. Sounds like romance is in the air.
Gland to hear your Grand-Mutter is doing okay.
Dog Speed,
Essex & Deacon
Great news, and great to have you back!
I is glad your gramma is doing a bit better. It must be very worrying.
Ruffruff that looked like a good fun date! I has never beed on one yet.
~lickies, Ludo
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