So far, the elusive Christmas shot of moi and Scooter has not happened. Hope springs eternal with mom though, so we shall see. (Once again, Scooter holds things up. Mom says if she had 2 more hands it would help..I say if Scooter would ever listen and behave, there would be no need for extra hands)
It is cold here today. Only in the mid 20's and it is the middle of the day. Brrrr. Scooter is under his blankie and mom is in sweats under her blankie. I am not as cold natured as those two but will admit it is pretty darned "brisk" outside. And there has been ice on some bridges, snow flurries here and there. It was 80 on Sunday......Texas weather. If you don't like it, just wait 15 minutes and it will change. That's an old saying around here!
Mom took a couple of shots of downtown Denton's Chritmas decorations from the car.
The old courthouse in the town square.

A bank.

Traffic which makes Mom say bad HBO words!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
pee ess and I do mean "pee". Scooter may be on Santa's naughty list. He sure is on mom's. While she came in here to turn the 'puter on for me, Scooter got out from under his covers, took off his belly band and PEE'D on mom's PILLOW!!!!! In HER bed!!! oooooo-hope y'all did not hear her HBO words all over the world! I better go save the little brat's neck.....
SCOOTER! what the heck has gotten into you!?!?!? you peed on your mommy's bed!? Was your weewee pad to dirty? at least i pee next to mine when it is too dirty...but your mommy's pillow!? holly dog! your a brave little guy! try peeing on the kitchen floor next time, the humans get less mad when you have accidents there...something about it beeing easier to clean up or something.
Tail Wiggles & Pupp Kisses
Coco - The Princess
w00f's Scooter and Sunny, me likes the christmasie bloggie...hmm good job scooter, u must apply fur the joe stains award, hope u gotted picksurs..pawsome christmas decorations...hope ur mama iz feelin betters..
b safe,
oh man scooter. You don't pee on their pillows. They don't like that. Just try peeing on the floor or something.
Hey Scooter, I didn't hear those HBO words this side of the big pee-hehe not you pee. the BIG one-- so she can' be that mad with you.I bet was an accident wasn't it? you'll get a nice award !
Is Mom all better and no too confusing hot one day then cold- like living in a sauna! But with pretty Christas decorations.
Stay warm and cosy.
Wiry wags, Eric xxx
we're glad your mom is feeling better. is she gonna turn into the hulk? we hope not. that could be scary.
we sure hope your mom gets your christmas photo soon. we want to see your beautiful faces. tell her not to be too much of a perfectionist, okay?
you sure have some crazy weather. we are cold now too, with snow! we lovelovelove the snow. it makes us go crazy. maybe you can get some too. it's fun.
woof...Sunny...Teka peed on the big bed one time. Right on Muzzer's feet. I think the quick trip out the back door convinced her it was not such a good idea. I hope Scooter can work his way off the naughty list in time for Christmas.
Ewwwww! He peed on her pillow? Total yuck.
Is the roid shot working its magic?
Stay warm. Maybe if it keeps being cold you should let your fur go natural. I would love to see you all fuzzy.
Scooter! That's a Very Bad Thing! I've never done it, but the Min Pins are always doing their business where it has no right to be done! Sometimes, Lexi likes to poop on The Girl's bed, and The Girl goes TOTALLY INSANE. Hope your Mom didn't kill ya, buddy.
Sunny, it's a good thing that there is somedog with sense in that household! Brown dog kisses for you!
If we peed on the pillow, Dog Dad would bite our tails. We are sure of that. Your mum must be kinder than our Dad.
Essex & Deacon
Whoah! Scooter peed on your mom's pillow in her bed??
I shudder to think what my Mama would do to me if I pulled that.
I'd never get sausages or bacon ever again!!
Murphy Dogg
Hi, friends!
Yes, your new look is beautiful!
Pee-pillow??? I just can imagine all those HBO words!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Scooter dude. WHAT are you thinking, man?! Are you trying to get yourself kicked to the curb or do you just like sleeping in a water bed?
Just a piece of advice. Your mama probably wants to have herself a nice dry pillow. So, try to refrain from removing the belly band anywhere in the vicinity of the bed. K?
Goober love,
Scooter, must be one of those days, huh? What's HBO?
Poppy and Penny both peed on the big bed when they were about a year old. They missed the pillows, but they sure soaked the mattress! Great Christmas pics!
We hope your mom is feeling better (and warmer) soon!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
hello scooter its dennis the vizsla dog hay yoo ar not suppozd to do stuf like that!!!! but if yoo must do it then yoo ar suppozd to do it wen nobody is luking!!! oh wel now yore mama is wise to yoo so yoo wil probly not git the chanse to do it agin wich is just as wel for yore mamas agravayshun level i think ok bye
Uh oh Scooter!! It is almost Christmas - you have to be espcially careful at this time of year!!
Thanks for sharing your beautiful Christmas light pictures!
Love Clover xo
Sometimes you've got to make a point about the belly band, you know? I'd say that was rather effective.
Even if your weather is in the 20s, we sure would like it! We never miss Texas more than during the blizzardy winters. Boy oh boy do we want to go back to Austin! Mommy is super homesick.
Oh no! Not the pillow! Yuck!
Uh oh Scooter! That's bad to do so close to Christmas. it's hard to come up with enough good stuff to make up for it!
Glad your mom feels a little better and I'm glad she didin't turn into the Hulk!
Hahaha! Scooter, you are funny but that's probably not the best thing to (ever!) and especially when it's so close to Christmas!
It's cold her with snow and ice and I don't like it one itsy bit.
Your mom took some pretty pictures of the Christmas lights. It's a beautiful sight!
Oh Scooter that was not nice! How is your Mommy feeling? My Mommy was wondering? Those Texas lights are beautiful!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
I'm suwpwised..specially when youw Mama isn't well..I know we all make mistakes(and I'm suwe this was one) but twy to jump off quick fiwst and hit a hawd washable suwface..but now that you did least get one of Joe's may be all you get fow Chwissmuss at this wate, heheh
Hope the Woid shot keeps wowking auntie Jamie.
And Sunny, I know I can count on you to make evewyone feel bettew
smoochie kisses and thank you fow the chwissmuss sights and tail gate lights count as Chwissmuss?heheheh
love youw backgwaound..vewy Chwissmussy
smoochiest of kisses
Scooter, you took the b band off and peed too? And on mom's pillow?? Dude I sure hope Santa wasn't watching.
Those decorations are really pretty, Sunny :) I bet your mom is really mad about the pee on her pillow. I know she goes nuts when Oliver pees on her bed!
Sure glad you guys too such good care of mom. WE are also glad she didn't turn into the Hulk although Scooter you better run and hide just in case after your little accident on her pillow..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Tanner has NEVER made a cool stain like that on the big bed. I may like Scooter a little bit more now and Tanner needs to be as cool as his (so called) twinner. It is cold here too but not THAT cold!
Hey pals,
You guys have nice Christmas decorations too just like Asta in New York. They need to put some Christmas lights around our town but noooooo all they did was hang some wreaths around the place. We need Christmas lights too.
UH OH! We think Santa is frowning down on Scooter! You need to make it up to your mom FAST, Scooter!
The Christmas lights are so pretty in your town, Sunny!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
What a beautiful Christmas decorations!
You better don´t pee in those pillows, Scooter! Maybe Santa is watching you!
Love and licks
Crazy Texas weather this week, huh.
A beautiful 70 degrees today and I heard tomorrow night is to be the coldest night of the year!
I hope you guys get to play outside tomorrow before it gets cold again!
Have a great weekend!
Scooter...that is NOT gonna make Santa Paws happy, dear Boy...BTW...I'm under the mistletoe at our bloggie...Scruffy and Stan are sellin' pizza and beer to accomadate the long lines of boyz waitin' can cut in line up front, Sweetie...
Love and kissies..Lacie...
Pee ess...sounds like Sunny is savin' ur behind....
Oh dear, I can't get Archie to stop rolling around the florr in laughter...I hope he isn't getting any ideas from Scooter...WE hope your Mom's roid shot works.....Love and KIsses A+A
Yep! We heard them here in the UK!
oh they were bad words but it was fun to hear them!
Your pics were nice too, but we laffed about the peeing incident!
sorry but my J just loves it when someone else has the same probs as her!
Have a wonderful Christmas and a good New Year - although I expect I will call in again before then, and also when my J can find time she is going to help me key paw in another post!
love and licks, Marvin xxxxx
I thought that is how the weather in Iowa is!
Or so Summii's Mummii tells me!
Rut roh - Skhooter might get shipped off to be with his twinnerer unless he shapes up!
Scooter does not understand that Santa Paws is watching? He must have the Christmas craziness. It makes one do things that they would never do normally. Keep an eye on him, Sunny.
Denton looks pretty with the lights!
My mom used HBO words this morning when Bear peed on one of her rugs.
Oh my. Your Mom must have been flaming mad after that!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
What's a belly band??? You know, I sometimes pee on chair legs and table legs, but I do try to avoid peeing on or in my mom's bed. I peed on her computer a couple of times and that didn't turn out so good for me... I know it's been cold down there so I don't blame you for not wanting to go out. Try a chair leg instead. She'll probably not be happy about it but it's better then in her bed!
I am back!!
I sure missed you all
I stopped by to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy and prosperous New Year!!!
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