God, it's me again. I know we talk alot, but this seems like a very special time of year to many of us.
I ask, as I do daily, for you to keep my son and all the other sons and daughters, husbands and wives, safe that are scattered around this big world. (And you know Peanut's Dad, we've talked about him before.) And for "Peace on Earth. Good will toward man".
I ask for our country to heal. And others to heal too. So that we may all get along.
If the lion can lay down with the lamb, please let us humans at least get along.
I thank you for letting me have 2 children and a grandaughter to love.
Because this is on a DOG blog, you and I will talk about other things later, but now may I talk to you about the great gift of DOGs. Yes, I know. Did you mean us to name them with yours backwards?? I think so.
I have been blessed with so many of your wonderful DOGs over the years. Thank you. They have brought me such joy. And pain too. But what is one without the other?? Is that the lesson??
Or is the lesson unfailing devotion, loyalty & unconditional love. That no matter what, our DOG is there for us. From the poorest to the richest, from the kindest to those who would exploit & mistreat, the love and devotion remains. That the DOG will lay down it's life for us. Is that the lesson?
So did you know it would end up being just me and my DOGs? Guess you did. What would I do if not for your gift of DOGs? It would be a very lonely existance for me. Thank you.
Thank you for my DOG of 7 years that helps me out so much. Did you make sure I got just the right DOG for that job? I sure didn't know what was coming down the road, and yet I got a DOG that just was the right "fit" for helping me out when part of my body failed. Was it in a master plan??? Sure wasn't in my plans, but yet I have a DOG perfect for the job of helping me everyday. Thank you. May she have a very long life? Please?
I watched my 11 year old DOG last night. He is slowing down. His face has turned white over night, it seems. Yet, he looks at me, with eyes beginning to cloud, and I see the same devotion and love that I have seen for 11 years. May I keep him alot longer, please? You know he is the last one to know Dad. Somehow, that seems to make it harder to think of him leaving me. When the time does come, can it be peaceful with no suffering? Over the years you know I have always tried to do right with my DOGs. When they have needed help, I have always stayed with them, right to the last breath, as they stayed with me loyally during their lives. Part of your lesson too, God?So I ask to keep my DOG that is growing old, as are we all, longer, please.
There is much suffering in the world, God. Some things are not meant for me to understand, and this is one of them. Since we are focusing on your gift of the DOG here, can I ask more? Can I ask that abuse stops?? Ok, I know it won't stop. But can you see to it that there is much lesss of it? That these wonderful creatures you have given us, these animals we named after you, DOGs, are treated as well as they deserve to be treated? I don't have to tell you about all of them that need help. You already know. Please let humans be better caretakers of your precious gift of DOGs. I am sure you will help them as much as you are able. But I know you expect us humans to do a much better job.
God, I don't ask for money. I do not want fancy clothes or new cars. I can live without most material things. I do ask that you answer my Christmas prayer for one of your greatest creations: the DOG.
this is in no way meant to offend anyone of different beliefs. something I wrote last night .
What a beautiful Christmas prayer! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your heart during this most wonderful time of the year. I long for the day when the lion will lay down with the lamb and when there will be true and lasting peace on earth.
God gave us the best gift of all when He let go of His Son and watched Him enter our world.
Awwww, how sweet! Mom is leaking all over the place now! I need to get her a box of kleenex for her desk, too.
That was lovely.
Momm's crying now and my head is wet from her tears. That was beautiful, thank you.
Coco - The Princess
w00f's Pups and jamie, i cant think of a better christmas card u could ever give us than "ur Christmas Prayer"..that wuz bute ti ful and from the heart...what would we b without our precious furkids...
b safe,
sunny and Scooter
You touched ouw heawts again wif that bootiful pwayew.how could anyone possibly be offended by that.Youw thoughts awe so full of love and appweciation, and it's such a little thing you ask, but in a way I guess it's a lot biggew than anything else....You wite bootifully auntie Jamie..I hope god heaws youw pwayew.I will wead it many times wif Mommi..only she needs mow handkewchiefs..
Love and smoochie kisses
Oh that was the most BEAUTIFUL Christmas prayer my Mommy has ever read & it brought her to tears! I like it to because she kept hugging me & giving me kisses while she read it!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Oh,Jamie ...I came here to sit Lacie down for the "talkin' to" but I'll have to bring her back later cuz I need to go and get a handkie...
What a beautiful prayer!! You are so right...what our canines, kitties, hammies and other creatures do for us...and they call animals dumb...I don't think so. With them we can look into their eyes and see beyond evil, hatred and greed. You just see the love and devotion of an animal...and it's a gift.
I don't think you need to worry 'bout cards for your bloggie friends...you just gave us the best GIFT ever. Your caring words!
Many thanks...
Mumsie...aka Marilyn
Pee ess...Lacie will be back for that talkin' to...I think Sunny lessons would be welcomed around here!!
Thank you for that beautiful prayer. You're so right. Amen!!!
Thanks also for coming to visit us on our blog. We would love to be friends with you and we have already added to you our list.
The comment we left on Deacon and Essex's blog is a verse from a poem that we recite each April 25th when it's our Remembrance Day (it commemorates the sacrifice of the Australian and New Zealand soldiers in WWI).
Take care
Josh and Jess
what a wonderful prayer for the season.
Thanks for sharing your prayer! It is beautiful!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Jamie, that is so beautiful. It brought me to tears. Dannan is helpfully licking them from my face, as he often does. We surely have been blessed to share our lives with such beautiful souls.
And I agree totally with Marilyn (Lacie's Mumsie) - this is the loveliest holiday gift you could possibly have made. And your choice to share it with us, that is surely the best gift of all!
Lindsay (a.k.a. The Girl)
That is pawsome and so true. I wish furkids can be with our hoomans longer
~ Bae
Ms Jamie!
Thank you for your prayer! It came from your heart, which is full of love for your pups and for peeps! Sunny Girl & Scooter are lucky pups for sure.
We're so glad you have your Sunny & Scooter and that they have you. What a good fit you are together.
It makes our hearts warm to know we have sweet friends like you, and to know a little of what is in your heart.
Oh, and tell Scooter that we have a Goober name for him. He can choose whichever one he thinks fits him better ~ Scootoober or Gooberscoot or Goobooter! Let us know which one it's gonna be, bud.
Goobery love & kissies,
Imagine a world without DOGS. It wouldn't be anywhere near as nice a place to be. Dogs help make up a bit for all the horrible stuff we have to put up with.
Pee Ess.... I deleted all the other stuff on my Blogger blog in a moment of stupidity. I originally went to Blogger when I jkept getting error problems on WP. I figgered out the problem & have gone back to WP now. I didn't realize at the time but I coulda imported all my posts & comments from Blogger to my WP blog.
What a great prayer. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Noah x
You have our mom in tears! What a beautiful note! Thank you for sharing it!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Very sweet!
Well put. I think the same thing sometimes looking at 10-year-old white-faced, white-pawed Tucker, or 18-year-old Trouble the cat, who's been with us since we got married.
My mom is leaking
Fur many many reasons
So wonderfully put
God bless you for this. It never ceases to amaze me, the wonderful heart of some humans. Woof!!!
Mya Boo Boo
PSSSSS...whoever left you a nasty note they get coal in their stocking!! Aaarrrooooo!
This is a great Christmas prayer and we hope that it is answered.
Just right for this time of year..........;0) well, anytime of year to be honest!
Wonderful! Mom leaked some while she was reading this! Thank you.
This is a very beautiful prayer!
Thank you for sharing it with us!
I am soooo sorry that someone left you a mean spirited comment. I really don't understand what is wrong with some people.
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