Well, it looks like it is going to be a very busy month for us. (ok, mostly Mom-that opposable thumb thing.) We have found out that finally the time may have come for us to pack up and move from Casa de Tejas Perros del Sol. (If mom remembers any of her 2 years of Spanish in high school, that should be close to" the house of the Texas sundogs") We think we have about 30 days to pack and move. Soooooooo, all that catching up we were planning on doing, will be every now and then.
Hopefully Mom can find us a place to move that will be nice. Scooter is doing stretches to loosen up his muscles so he can do some of the heavy lifting...good idea Scooter dude.
I am taking a minute to watch for one of those tree lobsters. Hope we will have them wherever we end up.
Then a little cardio so I can help too. We will try to come by as we can. Mom is a bit stressed out, but figures we can do anything we set our minds to. Wish us luck in the packing and finding a place to live!
Don't forget us, as like Patton, We shall return! And hopefully post once a week. Visit here and there as we can..