Mommy gasped and her eyes got even wider. Rose saw Daddy nod his head at Mommy as if to say "yes".
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
A Christmas Story, Part 2
Mommy gasped and her eyes got even wider. Rose saw Daddy nod his head at Mommy as if to say "yes".
Monday, December 28, 2009
For all of you, a Christmas Story Part 1
Thursday, December 24, 2009
frum a undiscloseded locashun
wee is fereee buzy so godda go. wo i nefer did noses thar wuz so much snowses in that wurld.
pee es
sunny here good gosh scooter why don't you just take out an ad? this is top secret.
Everybody move along, nothing to talk about here except Mom is with our human sissy and her kid-our kid.
Really, we have to go.
Merry Christmas and please go to bed early!!
and is shamus-wooooooooooo flyin is sooo much fun *shut Up shamus!!!!* geeeez so hard trying to be the only responsible one, sigh sunny out
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Need any flyin poodles, Santa?
I wil beez rite heer stayin warmerest.
I is Shamus an I kin fly. Calls me if u needs halp Sandy Paws!
Watch, Sunny. Bet you kin flys tooo!
*note from Sunny. Notice the "bracelets" they gave me when I had my surgery....kinda a fashion faux paw if you ask me. * Could you possibly DO something about that Mom?? Just sayin...
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Korean Jindu Dog
Sunday, December 13, 2009
PLEASE HELP ME (Address no longer good, so has been removed)

(civilian clothes) He is a good man. (taken fairly recently)

4. James and myself "awhile back" not sure
exactly when
4. In San Antonio Memorial Day 09 after Mom's interrment at Ft Sam Houston. Hard on all of us. James and my mom(as well as Daddy) had a very close relationship. I come from a family that enoys "debating" James and my mom could go far, far into the night. Long after I had fallen out! :) He loved my folks very much. He loves me too. (Long story about my son the Marines and the Army) He has been in both branches and there's no bad reason he switched from the Marines to the Army, but too long to explain here.
Address has been removed. James will be leaving late June and returning to Conus
If you noticed how awful I look in that last pic, eyes all puffy, no makeup, you MUST know how badly I want this for James. I just wish I could be a fly on the wall when it happens.
Monday, December 7, 2009
News Flash State of Texas Freezes over
Pics of SNOW next time. On Dec 1st. In Texas for cryin out loud.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
200th Post

Monday, November 30, 2009
I is Shamus
Friday, November 27, 2009
For Snickers New Angel at the bridge

Saturday, November 21, 2009
Puter Woes-Maybe Monday now...
This is the one that is so old it turns itself off and on, goes black screen, all kinds of strange thing. I guess at 9 years old, it is expected to become trash....dunno.
Scooter is on his date with Miss Lilly(over at Mack's Mess). I don't know what they are planning, but he flew down.
I better stop before this computer stops. we have flashed to black and back already, so I must skeedaddle.
Hope to get our other one back, in the next decade ;)
Have a good weekend. I will be by to visit when it is not russian roullette computer style!!
Jamie and the kids
pee ess I get the comments on the phone I have too, so please let me know about snickers. Trying to visit blogs is ridiculous on the phone......"smart phone" my foot
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Ruh Ro
Vista has run me more nuts than usual. (And I'm half gone to begin with=ha)
They are going to fix some "issues " it has nonrelated to Vista. (At least I guess they are unrelated.)
Sunny, Scooter & Ta Da:
Seamus (Shaymus) I'll explain why I considered it and why I went with it when I get puter back
Boy yesterday was a day...central heat stopped working(lordy-managed to climb up in attack and of course unit is alllll the way to back. Left a door unlocked and took cell phone in case I feall through-lol) It is a 1978 model...AC folks had already told me it needed to be replaced, but boy I got sooo frustrated just made me cry with frustration)
Got that out, then went to walley world to buy 3 heaters. Those kind filled with oil that look like a small radiator. While tying to look at box on top shelf, thought there was room to turn it around=dangum thing fell on my head_ woo hoo, stars. Then I got help. SHEESH! Came home with 3, They are safe, energy efficient(elec) and work! (Of course it was the first night we were to have a frost... And the morning I attempted to turn heater on it was mid 30's brrrrrrr/take a shower in that. This old duplex does not have good seals, if it is windy, you can see a paper towel blow...arrrgghhh. Bless your heart Mom.
I can wrap up but sheesh...the pups, and trying to bathe! TOO cold. So we are good to go now.
Oh, there is more, but I will leave further bitc*ing, whining,etc for later.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Help out this pup with no name, please
She wants a name preferably with 2 syllables, she wants a name to fit him as an adult and not one that fits him as a clumsy little bear cub.(which he sometimes reminds us of)
Here are ones she has narrowed it down to(probably)
Tex or Big Tex
Ranger (as in Texas Ranger)
Seamus(pronounced shaymus-irish for James)
Course there's names like Midnight-opp of Sunny... Mooney ...Mom likes Mike(y) ???????
Dunno why Sunny would be thinking of calling him Dumbo....
Crazy fast
ok hiya, gotta go now!
Bitey face begins
oops time to run
hit and run is how I roll
she isn't coming is she?
doesn't look like it
now I can go into attack mode again
This is the "playpen" where he stays when the "nice ladee, who sunny says is my new mom",cannot watch him close.
ooooooofff, smushed my nose! Not that coordinated so far
Look at this face....what IS he thinking??????
This could have lots of captions. Pretty good looking dude Mom thinks.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Seen on the road somewhere deep in the Heart of Texas
Back in May when we went to San Antonio, Mom had her sister take a picture of us by this old building. Mom thought it was cool. It made me hungry! (Mom added the small lettering-and has no idea how she did it now. Pitiful, isn't she. Bless her heart.... ;) We hope everyone remembered our minute with Miss Snickers today. We only hope when everyone blew their kiss at the end, that we did not blow them out of their house!
On a very sad note, Max's mom lost her mom today. We have given our condolences already. So hard to lose a mom.
Hope your weekend is a nice one. We are still holding all who need it in our hearts.
Sunny, the very good poodle
ps mom says to tell everyone that she is crazy busy trying to teach the little guy some manners, pack a box here and there, so we are slow in getting around to visit. Sorry.
Friday, November 13, 2009
History is Made! & What NO ONE should miss. SERIOUSLY!!
Because we really need to circle the wagons and reach out our paws around the world for some of our friends facing some scary stuff.
Uh, probably not his neighbors or the officials....
Here is a picture of him with his sweetheart. AWWWWW Power of the paw needed for him, his pack.
Next is Eduardo Y'all probably know him as the snuggle puggle because he loves to snuggle. He has a painful condition(no big words today, when you go to visit him, his momma ,Ana, has covered it well.)

Ana thought this pic looked as though God was looking down on him and he was looking back up, smiling at Him. I love it.

I do Love this spa picture of Miss Snickers. Sweetie, we are holding you in our hearts. And your tired mom.

PLEASE,PLEASE, spread the word. The paws around the world badge, take it and put it on your blog if you would like. It is ok with Marilyn, er Mumsie. Take the bling photo of miss snickers. Please get the word out about the timed event for miss snickers tomorrow. Please visit and support all 3 of these wonderful dogs and their packs. It really helps. I promise
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Adding 12 paws to the circle....

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Thank you Veterans, We Salute You

Monday, November 9, 2009
New kid in the pack
He was born 7/17/09 and has been here one week. He never slows down it seems! Mom says since it has been 8 years since she had a puppy, she had forgotten how labor intensive they are. Ha,ha Mom. Serves you right for bringing in another dog....except he is fun for me, I have to admit. (He is a Standard poodle like me. Guess y'all knew that already...)
Scooter is not amused. He is busy talking to his twin.....I guess.
Blogger is being real slow loading pics today, so my great digging work and how mom ruined it will be put on the next post. Geez, I have been working on it for ages too. Oh well. Y'all have a great day, I think I'll go play with my new brother.